Aufnahmen einer ukrainischen E-300 „Enterprise“-Drohne, die eine russische Raffinerie in Taman angreift. Während des Landeanflugs ist Kleinwaffenfeuer zu hören.

Von MilesLongthe3rd


  1. what are they saying that sounds like “yeah bah”. I have heard it in similar videos.

  2. Can someone explain to me why Russia is not placing some old Anti air system like Strela-10 to each refinery to protect them?

    I get that they do not have the option to place S400 or Pantsir to every refinery because they need them in Ukraine. But shooting down these big and slow drones should not require modern systems like S400

  3. Nothing to see here anymore! Now we go back in and drink some more vodka! Yob tvoyu mat!

  4. Tons of uncoordinated small arms with ballistic trajectories in the close vicinity of a facility which is sensitive towards sparks and naked flames… Maybe reducing the operating height of the drone to 50m above ground level would add some value to the intented outcomes for the Ukrainians? Asking for a friend…

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