Aufnahmen von Drohnenangriffen der ukrainischen Marine im Gebiet von Kertsch auf der Krim. Zwei russische Küstenwachboote vom Typ KS-701 „Tunets“ wurden angegriffen (30. Mai 2024)

Von broforwin


  1. haphazard_chore on

    Sweet! Can’t wait for the anti air version to take down those helicopters

  2. Basic_Macaron_39 on

    I get they can’t really put anti air missiles on these guys because the radar will be targeted by absolutely everything. But a .50 with a remote turret could back the Russians off a bit.

  3. More info about this: “The special unit Group 13 of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine destroyed two transport boats KS-701 “Tunets” in Crimea at night. They were attacked by Magura V5 drones in the Vuzka bay.

    Intelligence reports that in order to repel the attack, the Russians sent combat aircraft into the sky 32 times, including Su-27/30/35, MiG-29, Be-12, An-26, and Ka-27/29 and Mi-8 helicopters.” -United24Media

  4. britemcbrite on

    If they ever figure out the AA-missiles on these, the ruzis are fucked…

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