Entdeckung des „fehlenden Bindeglieds“ bei Superkondensatoren bringt Laptops, die sich in 1 Minute aufladen lassen, der Realität näher – The Debrief



  1. Hashirama4AP on


    Previously, Kirchhoff’s Law, which has successfully described the movement of electrons since 1845, was limited in its definition. This resulted in an engineering roadblock that has prevented the adoption of supercapacitors to replace lithium-ion batteries in commercial applications.

    Ankur Gupta, a chemical engineer from the University of Colorado at Boulder says his discovery of a ‘missing link’ to describe the movement of ions within supercapacitors could lead to laptops and phones that can be charged in just one minute and electric cars in less than ten.

    original article: [https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2401656121](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2401656121)

    This seems a promising. How do you gouys think this can affect development and adoption of technological devices?

  2. TL;DR: the researchers found the way to apply Kirchoff’s laws to the simulation of porous electrodes which significantly sped up the simulation (up to million times faster than traditional methods) and allowed them to use much finer simulation lattices.

    Whether it ends up in any actual charging improvements is beyond the scope of the research.

  3. El_Minadero on

    Reading the abstract looks like they came up with a fast numerical approximation to simulating ion transport in nanopores. Useful and necessary for a priori simulations, but appears as a computational breakthrough that will support other work. It hasn’t actually invalidated any base law or provided hints at super duper chargers yet.

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