Bericht: CSIS und Trudeaus Berater gerieten 2021 wegen der Bedrohung durch ausländische Einmischung aneinander


  1. I didn’t know Trudeau’s adviser is a trained intelligence analyst.

    Or maybe they just experienced foreign interference differently 🤔. 

  2. CyrilSneerLoggingDiv on

    >”The gap between CSIS’s point of view and that of the NSIA is significant, because the question is so fundamental,” it said.

    >”CSIS collected, analyzed, and reported intelligence about activities that it considered to be significant threats to national security; one of the primary consumers of that reporting (and the de facto conduit of intelligence to the Prime Minister) disagreed with that assessment.”

    >NSIRA said that disagreement played a role in those intelligence products not reaching the political executive, including the prime minister.

    CSIS: “This is a clear and serious threat to our democracy!”

    Trudeau’s Liberal advisor: “You know, from where we sit it doesn’t feel like that much of a threat. Let’s sit on it a bit, and come back to it in a few months’ time”.

  3. CompleteChocolate28 on

    CSIS hates the Liberals and has turned mostly conservative. That should tell you all you need to know about our Liberal government.

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