Servicegebühren: Ich zahle jetzt 8.000 £ pro Jahr für meine Wohnung

Von Aggressive_Plates


  1. Critical-Engineer81 on

    Doesn’t own the building or the flat, has to still pay for repairs.

    This is just renting with extra steps.

  2. BeardedBaldMan on

    >His experience means he thinks fewer and fewer people will consider ever buying or living in a leasehold property.

    I think for most people it’s not really a case of wanting a leasehold property but being effectively forced into one due to budget and location.

    Better regulation is one step, the next is to look at other countries to see if there are better methods for managing blocks of flats etc. My brother in law seems to have a much better of time with it in Poland, although he does seem to have some sort of role in the building committee

  3. originalbot5001 on

    **A flat “bought as an investment to provide him with a pension in his old age”.**

    So, he’s a fucking scalper? boohoo.

  4. ItIsOnlyRain on

    Although I can agree with the discussion on service charges should be made could BBC not have found someone struggling to live rather than an investor planning to make money off the flat?

  5. worldengine123 on

    You should be paying more. You haven’t tipped your landlord yet.

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