Ein normaler Tag in Europa


    Von IgorVozMkUA


    1. JustMrNic3 on

      No wonder that the air we all breathe is so polluted!

      I wish we had interstate high-speed trains.

    2. ---Loading--- on

      At first i though it is legit.

      Then I though it is a joke.

      But then I realised it is a sad reality.

    3. Kanye_Wesht on

      WW3 is gonna really mess with our GHG emission targets – in the short term, anyway.

    4. opinionate_rooster on

      Europe really needs to supply more much more AA and ammo to Ukraine. Lock that sky down!

    5. Gullible-Ad-7931 on

      Who is the terrorist state now. Who is spreading terror on innocents?

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