Die Neuen Demokraten probieren eine schärfere Angriffslinie aus, während die Konservativen NDP-Kämpfe ins Visier nehmen



  1. mangoserpent on

    Should have done this a long time ago. CPC is going to take NDP seats for certain.

    I want to know who does political strategy for federal zNDP because they are dumber than dumb.

  2. blondereckoning on

    How many times can they lose with the *same* leader before they realize… maybe it’s time to try a new leader?!?!

  3. Old-Advertising-5943 on

    I wanna see what this meeting looked like. “What should be our new political strategy for our dwindling polling numbers?” “How about a catchphrase! Price of Pierre!?” “Brilliant”

  4. sleipnir45 on

    If you’re going to copy someone’s homework, at least try and make it original.

  5. KermitsBusiness on

    So the party that should be stealing liberal seats is going to be carrying water for them and dying on the hill.

    This coalition is going to be the death of the NDP as a serious party.

  6. OppositeErection on

    Good luck with that! They should have been going after Liberal voters.

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