1. Draugakjallur on

    >Despite being undocumented, 

    >“They have to pay thousands of dollars to get the service that should be able to get everyone regardless of their immigration status.”

    Why should Canadian tax payers foot the bill for an ‘undocumented’ person from Mexico who got sick? 

  2. CanuckleHeadOG on

    >“People like Josue and a lot of people in the community they lack of access to healthcare,” said Leal. “They have to pay thousands of dollars to get the service that should be able to get everyone regardless of their immigration status.”

    Uhhh no….if you are an illegal immigrant you are not paying into the system and you should not get free care.

  3. PmMeYourBeavertails on

    >People like Josue and a lot of people in the community they lack of access to healthcare,”

    They don’t. He could get healthcare in Mexico 

  4. Relevant-Low-7923 on

    >”Despite being undocumented, Rivero found employment in construction when he first arrived and settled into life in Toronto. In March 2023”

    Lmfao, what kind of work does the pearl clutcher who wrote this article think that illegal immigrants do?

    This would have made sense if it had been something like “Despite being undocumented, Rivero found employment as a CPA.”

  5. MoistJeans1 on

    Wild they keep trying to push the free stuff for non Canadians propaganda

  6. He’s here illegally and is surprised our healthcare isn’t actually free.

    Now he openly goes to the media telling the world he’s not supposed to be here. Hopefully he gets sent back to Mexico after this.

  7. Mexico has free health care for its citizens. Might have been difficult for him but he should have gone home.

  8. Natural_Childhood_46 on

    If only the government had posted some kind of warning that the healthcare here isn’t free for visitors…

    Oh wait


    If I get sick or have an accident while visiting Canada, will the Government of Canada pay for my medical treatment?
    Canada does not pay for hospital or medical services for visitors. You should get health insurance to cover any medical costs before you come to Canada.

  9. SpankyMcFlych on

    They’re not going to get any money out of him so put him on a flight back to his country of origin and be done with it.

  10. Long_Ad_2764 on

    Title needs a correction.
    Illegal immigrants are not covered by OHIP and pay out of pocket like anyone else from outside the country visiting Canada.

  11. BitingArtist on

    If you enter the country illegally, you don’t get free healthcare. Welcome to the consequences of your actions.

  12. DreadpirateBG on

    The construction company that hired an undocumented worker and enabled them to make a life here should foot the bill. If this person would have been unable to get a job until they were documented maybe then they could have had earned medical coverage.

  13. Megatriorchis on

    Im sorry about his medical issues, but his *medical bills* are entirely self-inflicted. He took up a bed and resources for two months; we can only guess to who and what those could have been allocated to instead.

    Why is he still here? Prospect of payment? Sounds like it’s going to take a long time without the charity of others. Send him packing.

  14. Glocko-Pop on

    Liberal voters are happy to give away the whole country, to satisfy some moronic sense of moral superiority.

  15. Leading-Gate2189 on

    We are never seeing those $90k back.

    Not saying my dude should pay for them (because he won’t) but saying he should have had the insurance to cover it in the first place by: a) being documented and b) getting a job through the proper channels.

    This is an edge case (and a sad one) but at the end construction companies benefit from this, probably paying a fraction of the salary and benefits they would pay a Canadian, and the immigrants benefit from this because they come “to visit” but stay and work cash and make more than they would somewhere else.

    The only ones who don’t benefit are Canadians who have to foot the bill when these things happen. And this is probably the tip of the iceberg.

  16. Burlington-bloke on

    When I’m travelling internationally, I make damn sure I have my insurance updated. The guy came here as a tourist but fully intended to work under the table. Canada needs to get tough on these illegal gate crashers, including this international student scam!

  17. SnuffleWumpkins on

    The alternative is turning into a free healthcare Mecca for everyone in the world who gets sick.

    Oh, you’ve got cancer, go to Canada and get yourself fixed up for free.

    Yeah, fuck that.

  18. LordJohnWorfin111 on

    “Undocumented” means he is here ILLEGALLY. Why should hard working Canadians, who fund the system pay for his care?

  19. Competitive_Tower566 on

    Sorry for the medical situation he went through.

    However if isn’t the responsibility of Canadian tax payers to cover stuff for illegals.

    There seems to be more of these articles about illegal immigrants crying that they don’t have access to services. Am I meant to feel sympathy? Deport them.

  20. Reddit_Is_Fascist on

    Man who enters country illegally, and without medical insurance, left without legs to stand on.

  21. Sounds like he was only billed for the room charges, not for any of the treatment. $90k for a single occupancy hospital room for two months sounds sort of reasonable without any kind of insurance, public or private.

  22. 90k for treatment and care… if this happened in the USA that would be the deductible lol…

  23. Jumpy-Ad2555 on

    So we should pay to cover the bills? If you expect the same services and benefits, then come by legal means and pay into it like the rest of us through taxes.

    When he/many chose to come here and not follow legal procedures, that is a risk that he took.

    I would NEVER travel anywhere without health insurance.

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