Just Stop Oil-Demonstranten in ihren 80ern zielen auf die Magna Carta


Von OperationSuch5054


  1. Some-Background6188 on

    Put them in a home they obviously have dementia or something.

  2. What is with this attacking valuable paintings or documents trend with these lot?

  3. Ecstatic-Cookie2423 on

    they want to restore the kings powers , perhaps he’ll help them ( probably not)

  4. randomdiyeruk on

    That is such a fucking cunt move. Honestly, you start to wonder if JSO is just funded by an oil company because how anybody can think this does anything for their cause is beyond me.

    In a war, this stuff is literally war crimes.

  5. Yeoman1877 on

    You can say what you like about King John but co2 emissions were not a problem in his time.

  6. oilybumsex on

    We all know what needs to be done with these tits, you just say in on Reddit.

  7. TheShakyHandsMan on

    That’s it girls. Show those 13th century Barons that you’re not to be messed with.  

     Fight The Power!

  8. Kenzie-Oh08 on

    it seems much of the media and political class would love to rip up the magna carta too. Starting with the right to a jury.

  9. GaylordWatterson on

    “Why don’t the British protest?”
    Because whenever they do it in a disruptive way we complain because it’s disruptive and whenever they do stupid shit we call it stupid shit and move on.

  10. bulldog_blues on

    It’s odd how many people are convinced they intended to destroy the document and not simply make a spectacle that nabbed a headline and got people paying attention to them again.

    Though it’s not that helpful these days because everyone knows the situation, now it’s just a question of getting those in power to put meaningful plans in place.

  11. DavidFosterLawless on

    You can already hear the sound of GB News editors rubbing their greasy palms together 

  12. Yakona0409 on

    To the people that don’t understand why they do this to historical documents and paintings their ethos is that non of the aforementioned things will be around and will be destroyed anyway if the climate gets too fucked up so it’s really just sort of metaphorical(?) and also obviously to get publicity for their cause

  13. Ok_Cancel_7891 on

    the act of cultural terrorism should be introduced into the criminal code

  14. sober_disposition on

    And for their next stunt they’re going to punch your grandmother in the face and rub shit all over the cenotaph.

  15. This whole JSO thing seems 50 years late. I mean who needs to be convinced these days that the days of oil are numbered?

  16. test_test_1_2_3 on

    JSO has moronic unrealistic demands. We are not going to stop oil, we are not going to stop licensing new sites and we are not going to get away from petrochemicals in the economy for at least several decades.

    Wanting the UK to not allow any new oil and gas extraction within its territory won’t change anything. It just means we’ll import it from other nations. This will have zero net benefit to the emissions situation, it will just mean UK citizens have to pay more money for each unit of energy/petrol.

    JSO is a child’s fantasy that doesn’t take into account that oil isn’t just about energy production, it feeds into the supply chain in many other ways that aren’t going to be replaced any time soon.

  17. scarab1001 on

    “As a Christian I am compelled to do all that I can to alleviate the appalling suffering that’s already coming down the line and is here already.’ ”

    Doesn’t stop them using plastics. Nice placky specs they both wear. Want to bet on their clothes?

    Rather than try to damage Magna Carta – something history would never forgive them for if they had suceeded – they should live how they expect everyone else to. Turn off the central heating, stop using plastics and stop adding to the problem. How about showing us how easy it is?

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