Papst sagt den Italienern, dass sie angesichts der rekordtiefen Geburtenraten mehr Kinder bekommen müssen


  1. RickKassidy on

    Letting priests marry and nuns have leadership roles sure would set a good example for that.

    Just saying.

  2. ScaryfatkidGT on

    I hate how they call it “fertility rate” like people are sterile

    People can’t afford kid’s so they aren’t having them, it’s that simple.

  3. Is the Catholic Church going to give families money so that they can afford to raise these children?

  4. FloatingPencil on

    Maybe people just don’t want children. Yeah, you can encourage it all you like, and maybe set some help in place to make it easier for those who do want them and who might find themselves struggling, but in the end not everyone wants to give up their lives in favour of having babies.

  5. Bad_Habit_Nun on

    And how much money did the church donate to parents considering economy/money is one of the largest reasons people stop having kids?

  6. Sea-Witness-2746 on

    If I were Italian, I would not be taking family planning advice from a 60+ year old virgin, especially in this economy.

  7. vestibule54 on

    Translation… in the future we will need more fodder for the cannons

  8. Does he need more rape victims?

    Why is some old unmarried dude telling people to have more kids?!

  9. itsl8erthanyouthink on

    Our family is already formed but I have lots of millennial relatives and they rightly don’t see a huge rush to start a family (especially in the US) if the country is going to be run my a radical orange dictator next year. I’d hard pass, too.

  10. JackBlackBowserSlaps on

    So now the pope is condemning future souls to hell? (On earth)

  11. 30 years ago one parent could support an entire family with a full time job. Today both parents need to work full-time , have a side jobs and still living paycheck to paycheck with no hope to ever have their own home while billionaires get richer and richer. That’s why people don’t have babies anymore.

  12. EgotisticalTL on

    Almost every problem in the world right now boils down to overpopulation. The 1% just want more and more wage slaves.

  13. ATribeOfAfricans on

    Y’all it’s really simple: people are hording all the wealth and resources in the world and it makes life miserable for a huge portion of the population

  14. I hate this narrative that been pushed lately.

    The planet is overpopulated. Having a generation or two with a negative growth rate will help

  15. teflonPrawn on

    It’s crazy to see so many countries committed to increasing birth rates without attempting to address the underlying issue of wealth inequality.

  16. InterestingAsk1978 on

    Is he going to provide cheap housing, food, education for them as well?

  17. RumAndLeather on

    Pope needs to call on the 1% to stop hogging the wealth, which I bet is the leading reason: people don’t have time, nor money, to have kids

  18. pretzelbender on

    Why doesn’t he have a baby if he thinks they’re so great?

    What a stupid patriarchal sex hating gay religion.

    Why aren’t the poor catholics allowed to elect a female pope?

  19. In the year of our lord 2024, with 8 billion crammed onto the planet, the Church remains obsessed with breeding more Catholics.

  20. CoCoVanLatte on

    The obsession with birth rates is more concerning than the low birth rates.

  21. Feisty-Area on

    It’s not only about being able to financially afford kids or not. For me, it’s about not having enough time. I’m already a slave 45 hour a week, do I really want to spend the two or three hours a day I have for myself in raising children? I just don’t have the energy.

  22. Can’t do any of that when rental prices assumes every bedroom is rented to an employee making six figures

  23. soupertrooper92 on

    Tells people to have more kids but doesn’t approve of fertility treatments🧐. How long until they walk back on that one?

  24. jsmcdorman on

    What are all these countries going to do if we don’t? Force us? Actually, now that I think about that I’m sure some religious nutjobs are thinking of ways to build impregnation centers to do that. I really hate hearing stories about government officials telling people to have babies. In what world is it acceptable to tell people they should be having babies and how do I get out of it?

  25. PublicAdmin_1 on

    No problem. Have the vatican send me a blank check and you can pay for everything from prenatal care, the birth, right through college. Thanks!

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