Der russische Fernsehmoderator Artyom Sheinin reiste im Mai 2022 in die von Russland eroberte Stadt Popasnaya (Region Lugansk). Er filmte, dass die Stadt völlig zerstört ist. In 2 Jahren hat Russland dort überhaupt nichts wieder aufgebaut. Sie haben diese Stadt einfach zerstört und verlassen.


  1. Typical for ruzzia, destroy everything, leave it destroyed so it matches how their shit hole country looks.

  2. tate_and_lyle on

    Reinforces how pointless this war is. Not like the Russians are ending up conquering Silicone Valley or Wall Street. Maybe they get some farm land and oil reserves, but they have enough of that already

  3. Analogov_Net on

    Look at all the liberated ethnic Russians jumping for joy and waving the flags with the mutant chicken on them.

  4. wombat6168 on

    Well he’s not going to survive long as a ruzzian broadcaster if he goes around filming the truth

  5. Bull_Bear2024 on

    Was he seriously surprised by this!

    They can’t even be bothered fixing Belgorod & that’s actually part of Russia, not something that they’re just trying to steal.

  6. Panzerhaubitze2022 on

    It’s always the same in countries like North Korea and Russia, where some neighbourhoods are beautifully renovated and the media are only allowed to take pictures of these areas, I’m sure we’ll soon see many wonderful pictures of cities like Avdiivka or Mariupol because the Russians have renovated a few buildings there.

    And then there are actually people who are stupid enough to fall for it.

  7. An_Odd_Smell on

    “If something is good, russia makes it bad. If something is bad, russia makes it worse. If something is working, russia breaks it. If something is broken, russia never fixes it. When russia does bad things it blames everybody else.” — Me, 2024

  8. LorenzoSparky on

    I remember the fuss about popasnaya. They probably just looted all they could take and left. Scummy gypsies (sorry gypsies to dirty your name)

  9. Nuke_Knight on

    Surprised the Kremlin even let him show it as it also represents no one lives there. 

  10. I’m a little confuse. They had so much ammo that they couldn’t be bothered being efficient, I understand that, but is “destroy everything to the ground” a genuine military strategy for invading or is it incompetence/irresponsibility?

    I don’t see the point of owning a ghost town.. Russia has so much unused land, I imagine it’d been less expensive to built a new one than to destroy and rebuild.

  11. I mean it makes sense, what if they lose it again and there’s a long battle for the restored town? It would be back to rubble in a matter of no time and they’d have lost a lot of money, time and resources reconstructing it.

  12. It’s Luhansk, not Lugansk. It’s illogical to use a Russian name for a Ukrainian city and then translate that to English. Use the Ukrainian name for the Ukrainian city and translate that to English.

    Ukrainian: Луганськ – English: Luhansk.
    Russian: Луганск – English: Lugansk

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