Rumänien – Präsident Iohannis hat das Gesetz erlassen, das Steuerhinterziehung unter einer Million Euro entkriminalisiert, wenn der Schaden bezahlt wird

Von dazzleclick


  1. dazzleclick on

    >The bill spares evaders who cause damage below one million euros if they pay the damage plus 25% during prosecution by prosecutors.

  2. ThrCapTrade on

    Another you only get on trouble of you get caught, but then out of trouble of you pay it back.

  3. Better payup rates than a conventional bank. And only payup if you get caught. Fucking amazing.

  4. tortorototo on

    It’s the most terrible form of open elitism, but I’d be also laughing a lot if every aristocrat and every wealthy person in Europe would suddenly apply for Romanian citizenship.

  5. So what ? You get to evade taxes and if get caught, just pay them ?

    EDIT: Oh, 25% extra. This is going to incentivize pretty much anyone to give it a go.

  6. Pectus_Excavatum_69 on

    We voted him because we believed in him, but he just fucked us. We fought against Dragnea and he does basically the same thing without repercussions. This is so sad

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