Der Boykott von Loblaws schadet den Verkäufen nicht, sagen Lieferanten – tatsächlich hat der Aktienkurs des Lebensmittelhändlers gerade einen neuen Höchststand erreicht


  1. reallyneedhelp1212 on

    >Executives at major food companies say they haven’t seen an impact from the boycott, with one supplier noting higher than normal sales so far this month.

    Nice job, boycotters! 👏

  2. Digitking003 on

    The whole Loblaws boycott is always going to be hilarious to me.

    Company (and industry) with some of the lowest profit margins is the focus of people’s ire?

  3. Peckerhead321 on

    I shop the sales, I am lucky enough to have a Sobys, superstore Walmart and Giant tiger all on the same street

  4. Grump_Monk on

    So they can toss out an unbelievable amount of animal parts no one bought and not lose money? Such high value stuff!

  5. Elisa_bambina on

    If the boycott is not affecting them then I’m sure they won’t mind if we keep it going indefinitely then.

  6. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it didn’t fall in a day either.

    If this boycott is the beginning of Canadians no longer being pushovers for prices, we all stand to benefit.

  7. KrayzieBoneLegend on

    How can they know the effect after such a small period of time? I think this is a bit early, isn’t it?

  8. DivinityGod on

    Eclxecutives supporting other executives, more at 11 on today’s captain obvious newschannel

  9. Those profit numbers aren’t reflecting the past few weeks of boycott. What a load of complete shit from no doubt a Loblaws owned opinion piece.

  10. Particular-Act-8911 on

    Just because the share price is at it’s highest, doesn’t mean sales aren’t being hit.

    If anything this only serves to show that you make a lot of money when you have almost no competition or incentive for good business practice.

  11. Muskadobit on

    Big jars of PC Salsa are on for $3 if you have the app. I ain’t saying no to that.

  12. Aromatic-Air3917 on

    It’s hard to believe the “left wing ” Star is owned by Cons, isn’t it?

     The way the American right has shifted Canada to be like the failing U.S. is amazing

  13. TakedownMoreCorn on

    “Boycott isn’t working, we’re fine here, totally fine. Please stop boycotting, cause it’s totally not working at all.” …. /s

  14. This reminds me of a time when r/Canadahousing pumped up a protest for a few months on Reddit and when the day came, 30 dudes crawled out of their parents basement that hadn’t seen daylight in weeks made their way to the “big” protest.

  15. legocastle77 on

    Loblaws:  “It’s been weeks already. Whole weeks! Our profits are still up so please give up now before you push larger numbers of customers to look for alternatives. Resistance is futile.” 


    Lord G. Weston, 
    Lord Protector of Canada

  16. Nice try Toronto Star, is Galen paying you to use reverse psychology on us?

  17. NightDisastrous2510 on

    Seems odd that they would somehow relate share price to what suppliers have said over a few day period. Let’s see at the end of the month, although the boycott should go on for a fiscal quarter, minimum.

  18. scary_bacon_ on

    I am never shopping in a loblaw’s type store ever again. I’ve been pretty good with that for 5 years now.

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