Aufnahmen der ersten Verluste russischer Invasoren in der nördlichen Region Charkiw


  1. UNITED24Media on

    According to DeepState, preliminary reports indicate that *three units of vehicles were destroyed north of the Morokhovets-Oliynikove area* during the latest Russian offensive on the northern borders of the Kharkiv region.

    Sometimes it seems that Russian invaders simply feel uncomfortable where there isn’t any of their destroyed equipment around.

  2. SpookyKIDo on

    It’s good that they destroyed the convoy but it’s still not good news for ukraine. I hope that usa could get an other package for ukraine and not for israel

  3. Hold on guys. Afaik yhere is no regular army in north, just police and border guard. Pretty much UA is open there…

  4. Ok_Dragonfruit3533 on

    Guardian newspaper UK reported this at 12.30

    From1h ago[11.42 BST](

    # Ukraine sends reinforcements to Kharkiv region to repel Russian advances

    More reports are coming to us on the situation in the **Kharkiv** region.

    **Ukraine** defence ministry said on Friday that it has sent military reinforcements to help repel Russian attacks in border areas of the Kharkiv region in the northeast.

    It added that Russian troops tried to break through with armoured vehicles in the early morning but were beaten back, Reuters reported.

    The ministry said:



    Although Russia’s offensive is focused on the Donetsk region, Kyiv has noted a recent build up of troops near the Kharkiv region.

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