Italiens sinkende Geburtenrate ist eine Krise, die sich nur verschlimmert

Von diacewrb


  1. ConsidereItHuge on

    Same in every Western country isn’t it? It’s almost like we don’t want to do all of the work to raise the next generation of servants in our little expensive piles of shit.

  2. HumbleHat9882 on

    Why have a family when you can have Netflix for 8 euros per month?

  3. BetImaginary4945 on

    The billionaires and centimillionaires took your ability to raise kids.

    For every €200000 a billionaire hoards due to greed that’s another kid not being born in another family. Redirect your anger towards these parasites. Life is a zero sum game.

  4. prowlerlife on

    As long as governments won’t address the issues that are making the birth rates fall, it’s only going to get worse. Maybe when we’ll be close to collapsing, they’ll do something. Or not.

  5. I never undertand that concern with the falling birth rates. What are you going to do with millons of unemployed when the A.I. takes over the most jobs?

  6. tortorototo on

    Three reasons: (1) Housing (2) low wages (3) living expenses. Don’t believe the lie that European people don’t want to start family. It’s just something politicians and capitalists like to say so they can “solve” the decline in population by importing cheap immigrant labour force.

  7. It was never about money to support families who raise children.

    Fact – many “asylum seekers” have many kids in Europe and are living off of the respective country welfare.

    Usually, welfare that is not available to the local middle class of each country.

    But reallocating this many is “far right” and “racist” for some reason.

  8. MaxWeber1864 on

    European falling birth rate… But now also Turkey, Iran, East Asia, North America, Brazil…

  9. CrazyFuehrer on

    Good, We can’t take in all those new people, we can’t allow all those new people taking our jobs. We don’t need more murderers and rapists.

  10. kaukanapoissa on

    Birth rates are falling in many, many countries. And not just in Europe.

  11. Italy’s wages are stuck at 20 years ago – long commuting time, extra working hours for free, unreliable work contracts, increased housing costs.

    If those basic needs won’t be addressed; natality can only shrink.

  12. GetTheLudes on

    Not in Trentino-South Tyrol.

    The problem is easily solvable. It’s been done. Just look. Whole country, and much more of Europe, needs to implement programs like have been done there.

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