„Das einst Undenkbare geschieht vor unseren Augen“, sagte Sarah Brown, Europa-Programmdirektorin von Ember. „Fossile Brennstoffe sind auf dem Weg aus dem europäischen Stromsektor.“


Von thealejandrotauber


  1. BeduiniESalvini on

    Great, I still have to live through heatwaves. Fix me this shit instead of giving pats to the shoulders of each other.

  2. Lowest level EVER sounds unlikely, pretty sure we had lower figures in the 11th Century lol, but the wording aside this is nice to hear.

  3. Yeah, and we’re also on our way to recession with high energy prices and industries moving to the US and Asia.

  4. yepsayorte on

    Yes, you just outsource your dirty industries to developing nations and call it a victory, even though all you’ve done is moved the place the CO2 is being emitted from. No global reduction in CO2 has happened. The global temperature isn’t going to care which country did the emitting.

  5. Denmark just increased it’s gas production field in Tyra field and will start increasing oil production in their Hejre field by 2025.

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