Laut Wes Streeting erwägen immer mehr Tory-Abgeordnete einen Übertritt zur Labour-Partei

Von Superb_Boss289


  1. HauntedFurniture on

    Labour will accept:

    >”not just any politician”

    >Natalie Elphicke


  2. EdmundTheInsulter on

    Err great, what’s the benefit in taking in MP’s that don’t have core labour values? Quite depressing, reminds me of Blair’s sudden concerns for middle class people in Northamptonshire, over and above core labour voters from recession ravaged areas.
    Obviously it’s to hoover some Tory voters if course.

  3. another-social-freak on

    I presume these things are quietly agreed behind closed doors long before we hear about them. It would be funny to see a Tory MP defect to Labour but then be rejected by Labour. Guessing it doesn’t work that way, though?

  4. Craigothy-YeOldeLord on

    Inb4 this is a Tory plot to make voters think “why bother voting for Labour, they’re full of the same MPs who got us in this mess in the first place”

  5. MaverickScotsman on

    Making Tory and Labour MPs interchangable isn’t the massive win Labour think it is. Welcoming members of the ERG into the Labour party with open arms and fulsome praise tells the British public everything they need to know about Starmers values, priorities and policies, he is a dyed in the wool conservative. Price in at least 5 more years of rapid economic and social decline and you wont be disappointed.

  6. digidevil4 on

    At a certain point if they just let anyone into the party, what are we even voting for except a slightly less shit tory party?

  7. NuttFellas on

    I’m sorry but can they just piss off. Of all the times to jump ship, this is the most transparent, weasely time.

    Not for cancelling HS2, not for Gaza, not for Brexit, not for weak leadership that can’t keep it together for 5 minutes, not for PPE corruption, not for gutting our infrastructure, not for the lockdown parties and definitely not for throwing out climate targets.

    They only choose to jump ship after a disastrous vote makes it glaringly apparent that they have no other way of retaining their positions.

  8. But this is a political suicide for these MPs, no? You can’t so drastically change your values.

  9. It’s disgusting that they even consider accepting these vile monsters into the party. I hate that we have to hold our noses to vote for these jackasses just to turf the Tories out, but they make it so, so hard.

    FPTP needs to die.

  10. ScaryCoffee4953 on

    Not sure why Labour need them unless they’re in the safest of safe seats, tbh.

  11. All it would take is a loss of 19 MPs for the Tories to lose control of the Commons. I don’t think these rebels realize how much leverage they have.

  12. CautiousAccess9208 on

    People have been saying Labour are red Tories for years. Soon they actually will be. Starmer needs to realise that this isn’t the PR boost he thinks it is. I’m not voting Labour to elect the same idiots we had before.

  13. Considering how many Tories are jumping ship, I wonder how close we are to a forced General Election.

    I believe only ~20 MP’s would need to rebel at this point for a motion of no confidence to pass.

  14. EstatePinguino on

    Don’t like this at all. Career politicians that just want to be on the winning side and had no problem with upholding Tory values; anyone that does this should be blacklisted from all political roles, they’re in it for themselves not the good of the country.

  15. Vasquerade on

    Wes Streeting welcomes Sheev Palpatine, Sauron, and a fully grown Tyranid carnifex into the Labour Party and believes they will be an asset to delivering on worker’s rights and economic justice

  16. AliensFuckedMyCat on

    Wes Streeting burned down a pet shop so he could join a posh twat dining club. 

     Never forget what an odious cunt he is. 

  17. Present_End_6886 on

    No! They can fuck off!

    They had their chance, the incompetent, corrupt bastards!

    They don’t get to jump ships now.

  18. Isn’t this just the equivalent of a football fan going to a game wearing both shirts and then just removing whichever one isnt winning?

  19. ResignedRealisations on

    How many Tories need to defect to Labour before voting for Labour is just voting for the Tories under a different banner?

  20. Vast-Scale-9596 on

    Another 38 and we won’t need an actual election. That would save a few bob.

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