Gesamtfruchtbarkeitsrate in Europa, Daten für 2023-4 [OC]

Von Borysk5


  1. Specific_Ad_097 on

    Even with the highest fertility in the EU, Bulgaria still has the largest population decline because of the super high death rate and emigration.

  2. NewChickenBreast2 on

    And yet, Europe is net gaining population through migration. There are countries with a fertility rate of 4+ which are feeding Europe. The continent is in no danger of desolation. 

  3. strider_X004 on

    Not a single country in Europe is at 2.1 births, which is the replacement level/maintain population without immigration.

    Curious how Israel has such a high birth rate. It’s an anomaly amongst developed countries.

  4. The limits of our biology aren’t compatible with a modern lifestyle and values.

    Either AI free us of workload so us humans can prioritize raising children again (and make having children desirable again) or we’ll have to find alternate methods like artificial wombs or curing the effects of aging fast.

  5. dynamitapadre on

    I dont know why countries are so worried about the fertility. Fertily decreases when technology goes forward. We are already seeing co-worker robots. AI handles many tasks already and gonna do more in future. We dont need children as a form of labour like it was in the past and 3rd world countries still need.

  6. nocountryforcoldham on

    Countries famous for sexually aggressive men have the lowest rates lol

  7. anarchisto on

    Europe was doomed when we decided that apartments are to be used as bank accounts for the rich instead of housing, making them out of reach for young working class couples.

  8. Mobile_Park_3187 on

    Good. Just nuking this damn planet would be even better, however.

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