Die Russen versuchen, mit ihren chinesischen Golfwagen ukrainische Stellungen zu stürmen



  1. testerololeczkomen on

    I will never feel sorry for ruskies, but holy shit, what a waste of life.

  2. Elegant_Tech on

    Should China copy humvees or M113 to crank out for Russia for cheap transport? Naw, bring on the golf carts.

  3. FalsePositive6779 on

    How did that go?

    A russian officer saw a golfcart and got an epithany.
    “That’s a great IFV for our meatwaves!”


  4. Next thing you know they’ll be storming Ukrainian entrenchments on electric scooters.

  5. just for clarity, we do not know if that video was from an attack. they might have been ambushed.

  6. NargTheIllusionist on

    A single machine gun like mg3 should clean any assault in like a few minutes

  7. Stunning-Ad9030 on

    Was für Narren !

    🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

    🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

  8. Frosty_Key4233 on

    Why not just ask all the Russians to jump down a deep well- it would save them time, money and energy

  9. penguin_skull on

    Ok, did it work? No? Better try the same thing 15 more tines, just in case it will eventually work.

  10. Bull_Bear2024 on

    We have to make sure that there are never any sanctions on Russia buying these golf carts.

    In fact, I reckon there should be heavy sanctions on golf clubs to make sure they don’t have any other purpose!

  11. Atomic_Shaq on

    The downside of using golf carts in war: They’re vulnerable to Nerf rounds. The upside: These carts come with free delivery from Temu

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