Deutschland: In Stuttgart werden zwei rechtsextreme AfD-Politiker angegriffen

Von Pilast


  1. Physical violence is wrong! Completely irrelevant what party the victim is from.

  2. Abuse-survivor on

    Dude, what the fuck is going on with these disgusting attacks everywhere

  3. Dapper_Wear_4302 on

    Pow pOw poW ! This is the new era guys, its gonna get rocky.

  4. BriefCollar4 on

    I’ve got no love or appreciation for AfD and anyone affiliated with them but this is simply wrong.

  5. Lenz_Mastigia on


    Just saw that there were Antifa members who claimed they got into a fight with them.

  6. TheManWhoClicks on

    Get ready for the victim card being played to the max. Don’t get me wrong, attacking people is always wrong but this is a neat propaganda feat for them. Very counterproductive.

  7. Ever since the drunken AFD guy faked an attack I am dubious by any claim they make…

    KNTHLZ 3.0

  8. basicastheycome on

    Not going to be surprised that these attacks are work of foreign, most likely Russian, work to stir the pot

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