Macron bekräftigte im Gespräch mit dem Economist die Möglichkeit der Entsendung französischer Truppen in die Ukraine und sagte, dies könne passieren, wenn Russland einen Durchbruch gelinge und die Ukraine dies verlange.


  1. RedAlpacaMan on

    Oh my god, just start sending more weapons instead of this cheap PR.

  2. Radientshadows on

    Macron has repeatedly said he could send French troops in. Not sure how supported that is by the French public and greater Europe.

  3. SubParMarioBro on

    Honestly we need to cut to the chase here. Yes, a collapse in Ukrainian lines is likely to draw in western militaries, including ones who currently talk to the contrary. It’s foolish to pretend that’s not a likely outcome as 20th century history is full of this sort of thing happening.

    But we’re going to need to put in a lot less effort (and blood) to tip the scale if we do so before the Ukrainian military is on the verge of collapsing. It would be smarter to get this over with sooner than later.

  4. Any-Progress7756 on

    This is the closest we’ve got to this happening…actual details about what the trigger for this would be.

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