Der antirussische Rechtsaktivist und Youtuber Ucha Abashidze wurde von der georgischen Polizei festgenommen. Ohne Durchsuchungsbefehl und ohne Vorwarnung wurde ihm das Recht auf einen Anwalt verweigert. Etwa 100 Polizisten durchsuchten sein Haus und verhafteten ihn. Anklage lautet auf „illegalen Besitz von Schusswaffen“

Von guramika


  1. as his friends and supporters gathered around his house, the police have also arrested a journalist, one opposition party representative and snatched up a few random citizes from the streets

  2. StrongFaithlessness5 on

    So they have started arresting oppositors to prevent new protests…

  3. the ministry released a picture of confiscated firearms. all but 2 were non lethal weapons (paintball and such) which require no licence to have and the 2 actual weapons were fully licenced and properly stored. he was always open about these things in his blogs

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