1 Comment

  1. I don’t think the Aurora Board gave funding to the Fraser and Macdonald Institute because of their views on climate change. Seems like bizarre framing when all three share market liberal sympathies in varying manners.

    What are Coyne’s views on climate change? I had assumed her believed in it and supported the carbon tax?


    >Coyne himself acknowledges climate change is real and has argued frequently over the years that the most efficient way to address it is through a national price on carbon emissions. He recently critiqued policies such as Canada’s cap on oil and gas pollution as belonging to “a slew of costly, ineffective regulatory and subsidy schemes.”

    For better or for worse, Coyne is great at structuring an argument. This writer could learn a bit from reading his op-eds, because I don’t understand why someone publicly and prominently advocating against climate change and playing some sort of ancillary role in directly funding to a think-tank which disagrees with him is a scandal

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