Rex Murphy, der scharfsinnige Intellektuelle, der Kanada liebte, stirbt im Alter von 77 Jahren


  1. lifeisarichcarpet on

    One of the biggest drop-offs of quality and insight in the history of Canadian punditry. The country is better now than it was yesterday. My condolences to his family.

  2. Professor-Clegg on

    This guy was such a right wing hack if there ever was one.  I don’t ever remember agreeing with him on anything.  Condolences to his family though. “Intellectual”, lol.

  3. I didn’t always agree with him but always enjoyed his commentary. I am sad to hear he passed away.

  4. CupidStunt13 on

    I liked his earlier CBC-era stuff more than his later stuff as he became more curmudgeonly, but Murphy was a gifted speaker nonetheless.

  5. UnionGuyCanada on

    Condolences to his family. I almost never agreed with anything he said but never celebrate anyone’s death. We have now lost the ability to try and change his opinion.

  6. Mrmakabuntis on

    Condolences to his family. Intellectual? Come on he was a fucking hack, intellectually dishonest.

  7. Definitely did not agree on a lot. Especially towards the end. But I never doubted his love for the country.

  8. Damn shame, didn’t agree with him most of the time, but he sure did give some fun opinions.

  9. Mammoth-Entrance6565 on

    He will be always a Canadian icon.

    Note: yeah, he has said a lot of stuff that makes me think he should have retired years ago. I’ll leave it at that, and respect his passing. 🫡

  10. Distinct_Moose6967 on

    Tragic loss. Didn’t agree with everything but he had some spot on takes as well.

    I think what is most surprising is that he was only 77. I assumed he was much older but I guess his illness probably took its toll

  11. Minimum-South-9568 on

    Wow this was unexpected. Did not agree with the man the vast majority of the time but he contributed in his own way to Canada. My condolences to his family.

  12. SirPoopaLotTheThird on

    The wit was a little rusty and intellectual is dubious. We’re all better off without his nonsense but I’m sure he loved his country in his own special angry way. RIP.

  13. leisureprocess on

    God dammit. I *did* agree with most of his takes, even the recent ones. But moreover he was my dad’s age.. doesn’t seem so old.

  14. Spiritual-Desk-512 on

    Damn. He was such an amazing man. He spoke truth and wisdom even on the CBC of all places. A great Canadian indeed.

  15. Guilty_Fishing8229 on

    He got pretty insane towards the end but damn, this guy was on fire with his points 20 years ago

    RIP Rex. Getting old sucks.

  16. tissuecollider on

    Always sad when a person passes away but man he spread a lot of hate in the last few years of his punditry.

  17. LorenzoApophis on

    Sharp-witted? Loved Canada? Staying true to Rex’s approach to the facts, I see.

  18. Pure-Basket-6860 on

    I didn’t care for his writing or view point. It is however humbling to know a man so wrong and so full of hate, vitriol and blame for man next to him, while revealing a true lack of introspection in ones life, eventually met their end as all men eventually die so RIP Rex. If the afterlife exists I hope you eternally have someone, somewhere to beef with because I know that’s really all you cared about.

  19. A huge loss for the 3 dudes whose full time jobs are posting right-wing opeds on r/canada

  20. AwardWinningBiscuit on

    Sharp witted intellectual? Only National Post could say that.

  21. TheRockBaker on

    Imagine if Rex Murphy had gotten the chance to see these comments. Maybe he would had realized that spreading hatred and ignorance in the last years of your life is what he will be known for.

    Not all the years of service to his country. Maybe some other “public figures” will want to consider what will be said about them after they’ve passed.

  22. Prairie_Sky79 on

    Oh, that’s sad to hear. His writing was usually on point, and his descriptions of what ailed the country were colourful. He was one of a kind, and he will be missed.

  23. The curmudgeonly silver-tongued orator who simultaneously entertained and inflamed with his perspicacious persiflage has gravitated to the Pearly Gates

  24. gordondouglas93 on

    Good riddance to the old bigot. Hope he’s buried with the sacks of money from his paid speaking engagements for the oil companies.

  25. StatelyAutomaton on

    On the plus side, he can finally become a productive member of society.

  26. A gifted speaker who had a way with words. I remember staying up to watch the National at 10pm then his closing thoughts. Pity he became deranged at the end.

  27. hitsandmisses on

    Even when I disagreed with him I enjoyed his hosting of cross country check up until the mid-late aughts. The last decade or so his sole credentials seemed to be that he owned a thesaurus and could be counted on parrot whatever lines his paymasters in the oil lobby were feeding him.
    Condolences to his family.

  28. Instead of merely yelling at clouds he now gets to live among them.









    Or perhaps not.

  29. Calling Rex Murphy a sharp witted intellectual… I thought it was a Beaverton headline.

  30. WineOhCanada on

    I don’t think I agreed with too much I read from him, but man, that dude could turn a phrase.

  31. SkoomaSteve1820 on

    Good riddance. Always was overrated and he was repugnant scum in his final years.

  32. Tall-Ad-1386 on

    Sad. You didn’t have to agree with Rex to know he was loyal to Canada first and cared for this country. There are few people who reached his level of recognition nationally.

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