Erinnern Sie sich an die Tage der Einführung des COVID-Impfstoffs, als viele Medienvertreter, darunter Chris Cuomo von CNN, die Ungeimpften beschämten und Ivermectin-Benutzer wegen der Einnahme von „Pferdemedizin“ verleumdeten? Chris Cuomo leidet jetzt und er behandelt seine Krankheit mit – holen Sie sich das – Ivermectin.

Von Orangutan


  1. Unrepentant liars and hypocrites. Suffering caused unimaginable. Profits about all else.

  2. brokenthumb11 on

    Remember when he emerged from his basement after “quarantine”. Then this asshole was seen out riding around. Screw him.

  3. WishboneEnough3160 on

    I (and many others) *knew* we would be here one day. The truth about those vaccines is trickling out now as well.

  4. to lie to your face is his job. I wont blame him, he did what is expected of him. but people uh believing it… lol suckers

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