„Menschen werden sterben“: Warnung, da freigelassene Gefangene „unüberwacht“ bleiben und die Bewährungshilfe die Aufsicht kürzt


Von insomnimax_99


  1. WeightDimensions on

    I don’t think this matters to those in charge.

    We had a story the other week of a man out on prison licence who went on to murder his partner.

    It was minor headline for a day.

  2. Just shows how badly the tories have let Britain slide. An economy so bad, they’d rather let prisoners go free than pay up for staff and resources.

  3. The crisis in the NHS has already been killing an estimated 500 people a week for over 12 months now so just add it to the list.

    No fucking joke, Tory governments since 2015 are directly responsible for easily in excess of 100,000 completely unnecessary deaths of British citizens. The fact they have this kind of record and remain any sort of political force at all is genuinely disgusting to me. They are *killing us* over petty ideological issues and its like no one even really cares.

    I cannot fathom how a party can openly have so much British blood on its hands and it is making like just zero impact on anything, it is totally and utterly bizarre.

  4. EloiseIn298 on

    When an MPs kid dies we’ll see change until then good luck everyone.

  5. andrewscool101 on

    “Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make”

    – The Tory Party

  6. Insomnijanek on

    It’s actually quite ingenious by the tories to leave all these ticking time bombs for the next government.

    All it will take is for a few incidents and certain media outlets will be ‘incentivised’ to publicise them and paint it as the fault of the future government, rather than the previous one that let everything go down the toilet.

    By keeping the country on a precipice of collapse, it’s a complete uphill battle to repair the damage inflicted after more than a decade of neglect and intentional defunding.

    Either taxes will be forcefully raised to undo the damage and reinvest in the country’s infrastructure, which will inevitably piss off a lot of voters who are already on edge from the prolific and enduring cost of living crisis

    Or measure will be taken to redistribute wealth that has been progressively hoarded by the wealthy and corporations operating here, which will in turn lead to divestment away from the UK as companies sulk for having to pay their fair share. The resulting drop in ‘apparent’ national wealth will lead to a fair number of voters to be rage baited into believing it is harming the UK economy.

    As the tories best trick was marketing themselves as the safe bet for protecting the British economy, many will eventually gravitate towards voting for them is the economy is portrayed as dipping, without even considering their economic policies.

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