Bei pro-palästinensischen Graffiti an der Universität von Ottawa wurde die Rechtschreibung verfälscht


  1. AnInsultToFire on

    Good to see that university education is paying off.

    Aw, who am I kidding, none of these kids have ever read a real book where they may have seen a proper spelling of “Palestine”. It’s all in-class role-playing games and writing “reflections”.

  2. BugsyYellowpants on

    Do we think that all this time they actually wanted “juice” out of the Middle East? Too much added sugar?

  3. if they’re really educated, they wouldn’t be terrorist supporters.

  4. kindaCringey69 on

    So either university is full students incapable of spelling or the people who wrote it don’t actually attend the university. I think I know where I would put my guess.

  5. Nobody said they were smrt.

    And shit, now everyone is going to walk up those steps and into the building asking where to get their free palastine.

  6. At least they got FREE right. 1/2 ain’t bad, guarantee you it’d be 0/2 if you asked them to point out the river and the sea on a map.

  7. RipplingGonad on

    Lol ah yes the peaceful, totally harmless protestors just innocently destroying campus property

  8. Proof_Objective_5704 on

    Lmao! This about sums up the kids campers.

    This needs to be a meme.

  9. latestagenarcissim on

    Not surprising. How the fuck do these idiots get accepted to university in the first place?

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