Kanadisch-jüdischer Geschäftsmann in Ägypten in seinem Auto ermordet



  1. ThigPinRoad on

    There’s video of it out there

    Terrorist walks up to the guy who is in his car and starts shooting him point blank while going on about his sky fairy, bla bla Israel, bla bla death to America, etc.

  2. iRipFartsOnPlanes on

    Better than bombing tens of thousands of children, I guess.

  3. TVsHalJohnson on

    “It named the victim as Ziv Kipper, accusing him of working for Israeli intelligence.”

    Was this “Jewish-canadian businessman” Mossad?

  4. Erectusnow on

    This is the intifada the college students keep calling for. Well done morons

  5. Canadian University students who are protesting I’m sure will Pretend This Never happened.

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