Verschwörungstheoretiker haben wieder Recht: „Neue peer-reviewte Forschung findet Hinweise auf Wahlbetrug im Jahr 2020“

Von Paul_Camaro


  1. GhettoJamesBond on

    I lost count how many times the election was proven to be fraudulent

  2. CalvinistPhilosopher on

    The fraud was in your face for a reason, and Trump and his cronies allowed it to happen to demoralise his base.

    Why did some cities in in swing states stop counting when Trump was ahead while more populace cities like LA and NYC had no problem finishing their counts? Why did poll watchers cover their windows? Wasn’t their a burst pipe in Atlanta or something? Are we just going to pretend that uncovering 100k ballots for Biden in the dead of night is normal?

    Rigged and stolen without any real battle from Trump. Didn’t he say “he caught them all?” The in-your-face steal is for maximum shock and humiliation for Trump’s base.

    Here’s some things to remember:

    Total number of votes:
    • Obama at 69,000,000
    • Trump at 74,000,000
    • Biden at 81,000,000

    Number of counties each candidate won:
    • Obama 873
    • Trump 2,547
    • Biden 509

    Bellwether counties each candidate won:
    • Obama 18 of 19
    • Trump 18 of 19
    • Biden 1 of 19

    Florida, Ohio & Iowa:
    • Obama Won Them All
    • Trump Won Them All
    • Biden Lost Them All

    Which candidate’s political party won seats in the House of Representatives?:
    • Obama Democrats Won Seats
    • Trump Republicans Won Seats
    • Biden Democrats Won NO Seats

  3. ConnectionBubbly3306 on

    Is it peer reviewed research like the headline says or a poll like the story in the picture says? And why not link the actual story instead of just a picture of the story?

  4. MiserableMulberryMan on

    [Here is the article]( featured in the screenshot of the Tweet.

    [Here is the peer-reviewed study]( Note that the author of the study is the author of the article.

    [Here is a refutation of the peer-reviewed study]( Specifically section 2.6.3.

    Please stop posting screenshots of tweets from years ago.

  5. deciduousredcoat on

    Laughs in Bridgeport, CT

    *Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our fraud*

  6. gnarley_haterson on

    There was definitely fraud. On both sides. The whole thing is rigged and neither party has your best interests in mind.

  7. FabiusTheDelayer on

    Just like we feel about 9/11 today, in about 20 years from now it will be largely accepted that Trump was cheated out of the 2020 elections lmao

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