Laut Bank of Canada können Haushalte höhere Zinsen verkraften


  1. If my choice is the current rate or everything going up massively in my daily life again, I’ll choose the current rate.

    I don’t need another spike on my daily expenses again.

  2. PhilosophySame2746 on

    Simon says bank of Canada should not make statements on working Canadians money situations as we are having a hard time surviving now.

  3. Fatal_Flyer on

    Yeah. We can. Probably – but have to reduce spending elsewhere.

    So around Christmas when people are complaining about “lackluster sales” or reduced profits, they’ll know why.

  4. CapableWill8706 on

    Thanks BOC! I am glad I can cope with higher rates according to you. Can you up my service fees for all transactions too! That would be swell!

    Edit: It was a sarcastic statement lmao. I didn’t know there were so many fans of the BOC. How do you know my finances? What I own? LMFAO.

    One mental midget called me a bot…delicious.

  5. Angry_beaver_1867 on

    We were all stress tested to pretty high levels. I think it will be unpleasant for many but survivable 

  6. gaijinscum on

    ”Bank of Canada says (wealthy) households can cope with higher rates (by simply not having mortgages like a bunch of poor loser plebians)”


  7. Emergency_Bother9837 on

    My neighbour just got a new M3, they can afford it keep the rates high boys.


    See this is what I’ve been saying. We need to put the fear of God into these people.

  9. Part_Time_Priest on

    Random redditor says the bank of Canada can cope with going and fucking itself.

  10. SunflaresAteMyLunch on

    “Men with balls being squeezed can cope with them being squeezed more”

    Everyone who’s not a bank will be a lot worse off…

  11. PippenDunksOnEwing on

    Ultra high costs to home ownership is directly detrimental to Canada’s economic development. People simply do not have money to engage in economically productive activities. Companies have no incentive to be innovative and be productive.

  12. Street_Mall9536 on

    Bidding up a 300,000 dollar house to 950,000 and max out your available income, not having the foresight or financial literacy to understand even if rates went up 1% you couldn’t afford it,
    Has consequences..

  13. Glocko-Pop on

    This problem is just around the corner. The first 2020 mortgages come up for renewal next year. The economy is going to be on life support going into next election.

  14. DENNYCR4NE on

    As someone who isn’t overleveraged to the tits, I welcome them.

  15. HailSatin42069Lol on

    Do they think that we are all paid as extravagantly as they are to be fucking idiots?

  16. 3dsplinter on

    Perhaps households can cope, but speculators and amateur landlords can’t cope…

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