[OC] Jüngere Generationen sind bereit, Einfluss auf die amerikanische Politik zu übernehmen.

Von ptrdo


  1. [OC] United States Census data and surveys illustrate the significant population size of upcoming generations, “Gen Z” (currently ages 15-29) and “Gen Alpha” (0-14). Meanwhile, the “Silent Generation” (75-99) and older generations have become a minority influence in American politics while the influence of “Baby Boomers” (60-74) begins its natural decline.

    Data was corralled in Excel tables, then cleaned, distributed, and plotted into generational cohorts using R, with annotations and coloring done in Adobe Illustrator.

    Inspired by Lift Every Vote’s “Largest Generation Project”:


    Data sources:

    Annual single-year estimates:


    Citizenship surveys:


    Party preference discussion:


    Party preference:


    Detailed data tables:


  2. This is why Republicans are focused on gerrymandering, voting restrictions (reducing polling locations/days, voting by mail) and fake electors – it’s the only chance they’ve got.

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