Das Leben eines im Flugzeug geborenen Mädchens endet mit Missbrauch, Vernachlässigung und Totschlag



  1. realcanadianguy21 on

    Jesus fucking christ, I have watched my share of gore on the internet, and I couldn’t even get to the end of this article. I hope this fucker gets what’s coming to him in jail.

  2. I would get banned if I even started to talk about what I would do to a person that let a kid go like that. They would have a far longer life then they wanted. Let’s just say that.

  3. Loviataria on

    And where was the mother in all this? Clearly complicit, you don’t just let your kid get murdered by a monster without saying or doing anything. I understand that it’s difficult to get out of abusive relationships but jesus fucking christ you gotta have limits. Throw the whole family in the ocean.

  4. All this about how horrible the boyfriend was.

    What about the mother and failure to provide for the needs of the child? I get it was an abusive relationship (from the sounds of it) but holy fuck, she still has a responsibility to be a parent despite whatever challenges she faced. Is she getting off free from this?

    Meanwhile CBC is linking to articles saying the mother “didn’t know she was pregnant”. Talk about unfit to parent.

    This is what happens when a couple of free-range morons get together and pump out a kid; the cycle of pain and abuse continues….

    Might also be worth pointing out:

    – The guy in the article isn’t the child’s father. That was apparently “Wes Branch” not “Justin Cassie-Berube” who the article is focused on.
    – The mom and Branch initially tried to get a gofundme for “medical expenses” once the child was born. The couple faced backlash and dropped it from $50K to $5K. (Grifters!)
    – The mom and Branch faced backlash for comments [“Who can’t take care of a baby? If you have cats, you’re going to be able to take care of a baby,”](https://globalnews.ca/news/2004789/taking-care-of-a-baby-just-like-a-cat-backlash-for-air-canada-birth-couple/) Another gem from that article… ““She told me, ‘Something fell out of me.’ I lifted up her pants and I saw a head and then I heard, ‘Wah.'”

    There were **giant red flags** all over the place. Too bad nobody took the time to notice or act on them.

  5. That poor little girl was let down by everyone around her, that man should be shot. No wonder women pick the bear.

  6. Halcyon_october on

    This breaks my heart into a million pieces.  Can’t even make it that far into the article.  If you don’t want kids, put them up for adoption or, I don’t know, DON’T HAVE THEM. 

  7. GetMadGetStabbed on

    Sorry but manslaughter????? It should be the other m word your honour.

  8. Shimuziblue on

    My god, poor baby. She was hurt and she was alone and she was scared.

  9. Agitated_Pickle_1013 on

    Hopefully he’ll be put in general population in prison. Shouldn’t be too long for him to be an expense to Corrections Canada…

  10. MeliUsedToBeMelo on

    Sad for this little girl. Why is a remarkable feat when someone has a baby on a plane? Cycle of neglect and abuse – at least she will no longer be part of it.. Very sad. Still think birth permits should be required.

  11. ChildOfDathomir on

    Absolute piece of shit. Him and the mother should be locked up.

  12. What a piece of shit. This poor little girl deserved so much more than to be used as a human punching bag. Poor baby, may you rest easy now💔🕊️

  13. sally_says on

    >CBC is reporting the details now, months after the judgment, after successfully going to court in conjunction with Postmedia to have the ban lifted.

    Absolutely disgusting. Why!?

  14. This is one of the most horrific things I’ve ever read. This girl and her boyfriend are enormous pieces of shit for letting this helpless child die in suffering.

  15. Reeeeeeener on

    That nasty yellow stained white hat tells me all I need to know about this trash bag.

    The mom is just as guilty though. What a sad sad sad story

  16. StillWritingeh on

    **Such a sad read** It’s so heart breaking to know that this little girl suffered this much. The mother is just as responsible as the monster that caused her death

  17. Complex-Dog1842 on

    I couldn’t finish this article. I hope this man gets extreme torture in prison.

  18. hello_gary on

    The only good thing from this article I’m getting is that he’ll get his own as soon as he’s behind bars.

    Inmates don’t like goofs, diddlers, juvenile abusers. Sentenced to life but for sure won’t need it.

  19. yourcinnamongurl on

    Makes me sick. Abuse is AWFUL in general, but to a child? From someone that’s suppose to love, nurture and protect her?!

    Rest in peace, sweet angel. I’m so sorry you were failed.

  20. divvyinvestor on

    That was really horrible. I feel sick. I couldn’t finish the article, I can’t imagine the people that found her.

  21. Impossible_Break2167 on

    I couldn’t get past the first five sentences. My heart can’t handle it.

  22. CriscoButtPunch on

    Put them both in general population with other inmates that are serving life. Natural justice.

  23. Master-Ad3175 on

    Both the mother and the man’s mother knew what was happening and did nothing? Are they being charged as well?

  24. Westside-denizen on

    There are bad places in hell (and in prison) for people like this.

  25. kippergee74933 on

    The horrid manchild is certainly guilty, although I didn’t get where responsibility of the mother came into the picture? But in my opinion family services or whoever it is that left that baby girl with these people is equally responsible. They just seem to have disappeared. What happened Why is there nothing in the article about why they disappeared?

  26. Big_business23 on

    That article was brutal. Rip to that poor little girl. That bastards face should be plastered everywhere.

  27. pinkeroo67 on

    And the mother of this child is walking free? She stood by and let it all happen? Wtf.

  28. Careless-inbar on

    I am father of 2 daughters. I am just torn apart by this article.

  29. I think most Canadians would agree this justifies a lifetime imprisonment for this inhuman monster. But I don’t know how much we can hope for that with the way our system works.

  30. LegendaryVenusaur on

    Poor girl, there is no justice in this world. She did nothing wrong but everyone around her failed her.

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