100 % verfassungswidrig.

Von 2201992


  1. Any-Video4464 on

    These mofos are crazy as fuck. They know this can’t be passed. It’s just for the headlines.

  2. ringopendragon on

    “illegal activity” in this case, is not being pro Zionist enough for the GOP.

  3. CidTheOutlaw on

    Remember, always say no. Always fight it. We have nothing to lose if and when this kind of shit gets passed.

  4. TheDeHymenizer on

    100% hilarious and put forward with 0 intention of ever passing

  5. wulfgang_vvd on

    If the house dems want to allow illegal aliens and immigrants representation in Congress then without a doubt this should pass. Lol

  6. Just_Another_AI on

    So he wants peaceful protestors to get wartime experience with a strong possibility of weapons training and radicalization? I feel like he hasn’t thought this one through…

  7. tacocookietime on

    Yeah but 100% funny.

    You know lawmakers can troll right? They do. Frequently. For attention and donations.

  8. KneeReaper420 on

    Bill being introduced means nothing without a vote but this is insane.

  9. Insane_Membrane5601 on

    What did I just read? Is this our official entry into the full manifestation of ‘1984’?

  10. doke-smoper on

    Yes! Bring forth and expedite the end times!! Vote yes for the destruction of society!!! The world won’t end unless we make it end!!!! Only then will Jesus redeem us and leave the sinners behind to suffer like they deserve!!!!!

  11. lovethelinux on

    While I do think it should be a requirement for everyone to live for a couple of years in a third world country to gain citizenship…this is just stupid.

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