Der Refrain im MAGA-Stil von Pierre Poilievre ist falsch: Kanada ist verletzt, aber nicht gebrochen


  1. PineBNorth85 on

    I don’t get why everyone objects to broken. Broken doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed. Right now damn near nothing works like it used to. 

  2. Another day, another article desperately trying to link Poilievre and Trump. 

     The left have held the ropes of power, whether they realize it or not, for going on a decade now. The country is a mess, and as someone who did everything right, got two degrees and a good job, but can’t even imagine buying a house: please don’t tell me the country isn’t broken. 

     I don’t expect the Conservatives to work miracles, but if I could trade the Canada we had in 2015 for the Canada we have now? I would in a heartbeat. Nothing Trudeau has done outweighs the loss in every other category.

    It’s entirely valid to say it’s not all his fault and that there’s no way to turn back the clock—that’s very true. But painting anybody looking at the only viable alternative as an extremist, racist, Trump-adjacent is such a sad and pathetic strategy. It’s a massive turn-off your political wing if you demonstrate time and time again that you just don’t *get* the 40-50% of Canadians who are seriously looking at voting conservative, and you just think they’re big idiots falling for a “playbook”—that they’re just too stupid to trust the plan, trust the experts, and let the present government keep doing whatever the hell they’re doing.

  3. I don’t understand why parties hire “crisis communications” firms to write op-eds, or why newspapers publish such things.

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