„Das Trudeau-Regime hat ein Orwellsches neues Gesetz namens „Online Harms Bill C-63“ eingeführt, das der Polizei die Befugnis gibt, das Internet nachträglich nach „Hassreden“-Verstößen zu durchsuchen und Straftäter zu verhaften, selbst wenn die Straftat vor der Einführung des Gesetzes begangen wurde. Dieser neue Gesetzentwurf zielt darauf ab, die Massen vor sogenannter „Hassrede“ zu schützen. Revolver.news berichtet: Der eigentliche Schock an diesem Gesetzentwurf ist der alarmierende rückwirkende Aspekt. Im Wesentlichen kann alles, was Sie in der Vergangenheit gesagt haben, nach den heutigen drakonischen Maßstäben als Waffe gegen Sie eingesetzt werden. Die Historikerin Dr. Muriel Blaive äußerte sich zu diesem drakonischen Gesetz und bezeichnete es schlicht als „verrückt“. Sie weist darauf hin, dass dies im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes allen westlichen Rechtstraditionen zuwiderläuft, insbesondere der Tradition, nur dann bestraft zu werden, wenn man gegen ein Gesetz verstößt, das zum Zeitpunkt der Begehung einer Straftat gültig war.“

  • @newstart_2024 auf X


Von saiyamannnn


  1. cocoanut_palm on

    >If you live in Canada you need to pack your bags and leave immediately

    yup, that’s exactly what they want you to do. they want you to leave!

    the real answer: **arrest Trudeau**

  2. FiveStanleyNickels on


    The internet is showing it’s true purpose now. 

    It was always promised to be a repository of blackmail, but Fidel’s bastard has removed all doubt. 

    Social media is not your friend, no matter how much it feeds your ego. 

  3. Ok_Medicine7534 on


    “Christians are ‘the worst part of Canadian Society”

    He said it.


    Hating free speech so much that you make a crazy retroactive law against it could be considered “hate speech”. Canada actually needs retroactive term limits.

  5. Snoo-52852 on

    Well Trudeau is the son of Castro, I’m not surprised honestly. How long for this to take effect here in the states? Minority Report in action.

  6. CranberrySoftServe on

    Great, except they’ve already trapped many of us here due to inflated cost of living combined with rising unemployment, which means that even if we see the glaring red flags, we can’t even raise the money to leave if we want to

  7. Wouldn’t you count black facing as hate speech? The picture is online

  8. DontLoseYourCool1 on

    Wonder if Trudeau will imprison himself for doing blackface twice.

  9. BlackICEE32oz on

    Bro. If Canada is trying to do this, I don’t think we even *want* to know what they’re cooking up for us here in the states. 

  10. I haven’t seen or heard anything about this here in Canada and I can’t find any sources for that claim.

  11. Scavwithaslick on

    Holy fuck if you actually read the bill this is so clearly authoritarian

    “content that foments hatred means content that expresses detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination”. If you don’t know, detestation means to strongly dislike.

    I see nothing about being able to charge people with offences committed before the passing of the law, pls source

    “Prohibited grounds are: citizenship, race, place of origin, ethnic origin, colour, ancestry, disability, age, creed, sex/pregnancy, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, receipt of public assistance (in housing) and record of offences (in employment).”.

    Now of course racism and prejudice against any of these are bad, but to be convicted and thrown in prison, you don’t have to have actually discriminated against any person. If you express feelings of dislike to any one of these groups online, you have committed a felony and can be put in jail. That’s absolutely fucking nuts.

  12. wasting-luck on

    Let me guess, criticising anything Zionists do is antisemitic; therefore, imprisonment is the only possible way to deal with it, as you’ve been infected with pro-HAMAS, and now you are a threat to the very existence of the entire west.

  13. TryhardNobody on

    The meme above seems to be fake. They can’t arrest you for things you did in the past….but this is real……

    One particularly contentious provision would let a judge put someone under house arrest if they believe the person would commit a hate crime in the future – although this would need to be approved by the attorney general

  14. Brilliant_Eagle9795 on

    If he continues down that path… I see a rope in his future… And a tiny bit of soap…

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