Pilllock, Plonker und Tosspot unter den britischen Beleidigungen „vom Aussterben bedroht“


Von CaseyEffingRyback


  1. jeremybeadleshand on

    “Tosspot” has been replaced by the superior “tosspiece”

  2. EdmundTheInsulter on

    Since we invent and borrow new insults we have to phase out old ones.

  3. Wanker seems to be losing its popularity in recent years too.

    Good thing we have ‘top notch’ replacements such as cockwomble. /s

  4. EstherHazy on

    I’m from Finland, never been to the UK but I knew half of the ones from that list. Grew up with Britcoms.

  5. munchkin2017 on

    Bruh got no rizz with that sussy yap! Chat is this cap? Lemme get a vibe check homie low key tweaking!

  6. iceystealth on

    I use plonker all the time.

    Usually in reference to myself when I’ve done something a bit foolish

  7. TheImageOfMe on

    In a hundred years, British people will probably speak with American accents.

  8. plastic_alloys on

    I remember reading an old book where they used the insult “half idiot” or something similar. You can see how over time we require more extreme insults to have an effect. Calling someone a plonker, unless just as a joke, isn’t going to hit at all

  9. schwillton on

    Plonker really took at hit after “only a plonker would call time on sozzled bonking” drew international ridicule

  10. marquess_rostrevor on

    Not if my personal interactions are anything to go by they aren’t.

  11. sweetpapisanchez on

    Hey, ‘twat’ is still popular.

    Unless you’re a yank, then you say it like a twot.

  12. bscmbchbmrcgp on

    Plonker is still in my vocab. It’s one of the softer insults you can use on your kids too.

  13. Can confirm, just copying their list (though I’m sure there’s lots of regional variation responsible for this too?)

    1. Lummox (62%) literally never heard this in my life
    2. Bampot (60%) no idea about this one either
    3. Blighter (54%) have heard this before but never used it nor hear it regularly
    4. Ninny (51%) sounds absurd, like something from an Enid Blyton book
    5. Cad (47%) never heard in my life
    6. Drip (42%) fairly sure I’ve heard this one?
    7. Tosspot (36%) defos heard this one
    8. Toe rag (34%) heard this too
    9. Pillock (33%) and this
    10. Plonker (25%) and this
    11. Nitwit (27%) and this
    12. Prat (25%) and this
    13. Scallywag (26%) heard this too, though it’s either what pirates would say or what an elderly person might call a mischievious child; not a generic soft insult

    14. Git (26%) heard this many times
    15. Numpty (22%) only one on the list I actually use

    “Daftie” or “daft fuck” are some of my go-to mild insults; though I’m a fan of the ridiculous inventive ones other people come up with that make everyday objects into insults (in the same way any word with -ed appended can mean drunk if you’re creative enough)

  14. DangerousOpinion1523 on


    It’s rhyming slang for Berkley Hunt.

    A polite C-bomb is often useful – bring it back.

  15. Green117v2 on

    They touch ‘muppet’ or ‘sponge’ and there will be trouble!

  16. Ticklishchap on

    I thought The Tosspot was the cheap, bohemian eatery on Old Compton Street I remember frequenting sometimes during my postgrad student days – a last bastion of the Soho of the 1950s. There was a branch in Panton Street as well. Both closed for some years. I still remember they served a good Lasagne.

    Sorry chaps: that was The Stockpot!

  17. Terrible-Group-9602 on

    Sure hope dickhead never dies out, along with the accompanying gesture

  18. geckodancing on

    Pillock pairs nicely with something stronger. I particularly enjoy *”You utter fucking pillock”*. when said with sufficient world-weary despondency.

  19. braveulysees on

    Baby reindeers Martha dug up a couple of choice ones I hadn’t heard for decades. My favourite was,”ha ha gimps”when describing the pigs who came to see her about her antics . Gimp by the way has a totally different meaning here with none of the s&m allusions it’s associated with

  20. SolidGray_ on

    I think i’m the only one trying to keep Burke alive, help us out lads

  21. carpetvore on

    Prick is my fave, roll the r a bit and spit out the ck and you can fit a lot of venom in those 4 little letters.

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