Ich werde bald nach Finnland kommen, um dort zu campen und zu wandern, und habe ein paar Fragen.

Wie ist das Mittsommerwetter in Finnland? Ist die Regenwahrscheinlichkeit immer noch recht hoch?

Und welche Art von Mänteln würden Sie angesichts meiner Pläne empfehlen? Ich habe es angeschaut DAS Ich brauche einen Mantel für meinen Wohnort, aber wenn ich in Finnland bin und campe, nehme ich an, dass ich einen wasserfesteren Mantel brauche?

Wenn das der Fall ist, kann mir jemand gute Vorschläge für bestimmte Mäntel oder gute Marken zum Campen bei finnischem Mittsommerwetter machen?


Von siths_revenge


  1. Ordinary-Finger-8595 on

    Please do at least BASIC research on the weather and/or hiking gear yourself.

    That’s a crazy choice for the summer. At most it would work as a break jacket if it’s colder than usual but it’s not raining or windy.

    You will need layers, and the outmost layer should be wind and rainproof.

  2. The weather can be as anything from +25c to -5c
    I would pack a shell jacket and pants and some lightweight insulated jacket and pants to put under the shell if necessary.

  3. Layers layers layers. Forget about ONE coat. You need a light breathable coat for hot weather, another for windy rainy days. Merino wool underwear (keeps you cool and warm). Tshirts, thicker cotton shirt.Forget padded coats for summer, wear layers, easier to adjust based on changing weather. And don’t forget about shoes.

  4. drdroopy750 on

    Midsummer can be anything from sunny +30 to +2 and wet snow with strong wind (ok, not so often), so really hard to say what to wear. Better to prepare for everything, but yes, the odds are rain and cool, so more waterproof it is. And it also depends on which part of Finland you are going to hike, as this is a long country, in the north will be completely different weather than in south. For hiking maybe something from Sasta for example, not cheap but quite good and breathable. Halti is another “Finnish” brand, a bit cheaper, but mostly made elsewhere these days. Also swedish Haglöfs, Fjällräven are ok.

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