Eine Ausweitung der Trump-Steuersenkungen würde das Defizit um 4,6 Billionen US-Dollar erhöhen: CBO | „Wir können es uns nicht leisten, noch weitere zehn Jahre Geschenke an die Reichen und Konzerne zu verschenken und nicht in die Menschen zu investieren, die unsere Wirtschaft antreiben“, sagte der Leiter von Groundwork Collaborative. „Dieses Steuergesetz sollte auslaufen.“



  1. Murky-Site7468 on

    “Remember the Trump tax scam cutting taxes for billionaires and big corporations,” Whitehouse continued. “Now they’re set on extending those tax cuts, even though it would blow up the deficit…” Look they need bigger yachts mmmkay…. /s

  2. And if we let it expire the middle and lower classes will take a huge hit. The Republicans set this trap up, now we need to raise the top 1% tax enough to cover it

  3. You will be sure that the ultra-rich will spend quite a bit of money to rent the lawmakers out so they give a veto-proof majority to make it permanent.

  4. justabill71 on

    Wow, who could’ve seen this coming? You mean giving $2 trillion in corporate welfare to companies already making record profits, so they could “create jobs” led to them buying back their own stock, instead, to make their shareholders rich and left taxpayers holding the bag? I, for one, am shocked.

  5. followthelogic405 on

    We should cut income taxes on labor to near zero IMO, why should the rich who contribute nothing to the economy get all the tax breaks when the actual labor that drives the economy gets taxed out the ass; the already insanely wealthy sit back and collect interest on money that they’ll never spend.

  6. Extending tax cuts while inflation is still an issue doesn’t seem like a good idea.

  7. WildRide1041 on

    Personally, I think, feel, believe America should go back to the FDR tax rate of *skin those phuckers alive*

  8. PsychologicalBee1801 on

    Maybe we should ask for them to pay it back. Corporation are paying less then they ever paid and it’s causing wages to be stagnant, because why pay more when you can keep it for executives.

  9. If the Trumpster and crew take office in January 25, we will reinvent serfdom.

  10. This is why the fat cats want Trump to win. I think the odds aren’t looking good for Biden. It’s truly an ugly world. Dems could be perfect and too many would say that’s not good enough. I think the Dems are slowly pushing themselves away from the gop economics of supply side economics. Foreign policy wise neither party will be good, but domestically Dems are the better choice.

  11. wllkburcher on

    Trickle down economics will kick on any century now. You watch, trust me.

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