Manche sagen, dass KI den Krieg menschlicher machen wird. Israels Krieg in Gaza zeigt das Gegenteil. | KI drängt uns dazu, Geschwindigkeit und Skalierbarkeit zu priorisieren. In Gaza kommt es zu massiven Bombenanschlägen.


  1. It kind of makes you wonder what is the point of using AI? AI will identify the high value targets, but since I’m using arms that blow the whole fucking house up, I’m killing everyone anyway. It’s not that much different from a “Just kill them all and let God sort them out” approach. Either way, this is why AI can be so dangerous, and in the hands of someone with no remorse, even worse.

  2. War is already made worse by how distanced soldiers can feel from the people they are shooting. Imagine how distanced people will feel when it’s not even human soldiers doing the killing.

  3. AI trained by the Israeli military indiscriminately marks Palestinians for death?

    This is a shocking development.

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