Biden sagt, die USA würden Israel keine Waffen liefern, um Rafah anzugreifen, und warnt damit vor einem Verbündeten


  1. Separate-Wonder3908 on

    “We won’t supply pencils for your test!” The teacher says 5 min into the exam.

  2. BrownShoesGreenCoat on

    Democrats so worried about Michigan they forgot about New York.

    They are basically handing republicans the election with this stupid hypocritical abandonment of a very close ally.

    As if Americans didnt kill many many more civilians when they went after ISIS, and that was just to secure their oil supply.

  3. flossdaily on

    Finishing off Hamas seems like the only smart play at this point, so what is Biden thinking here?

    Seems like Israel could perfectly well evacuate Rafah’s civilians and then go after the Hamas infrastructure.

    Why would this be any different than when they did that with Gaza?

  4. IllIllllIIIIlIlIlIlI on

    Pro-Palestinian people: “NOT ENOUGH! Let’s protest Biden and get Trump in there!”

  5. AnonymousEngineer_ on

    And people wonder why the West are slowly losing geopolitical influence in the world. Keep this up for long enough and Israel will end up becoming yet another former ally that pivoted to China, because *they* don’t exactly have a habit of walking away from their allies at a time of need, leaving them to swing in the wind.

    Taiwan should be getting a bit nervous right now. 

  6. i81_N_she812 on

    That’s bullshit.

    Israel had contracts to supply US with high tech hardware. So biden can say what he wants, but Pentagon still needs israel tech.

  7. TranquilTides0 on

    True that, what’s stopping Israel anyway? Clear the scene, wipe out Hamas. No time for dilly-dallying

  8. FrostyAlphaPig on

    America has already supplied the weapons and ammo over the last 20 years , I’m sure Israel has a nice stock pile , and if America refuses to send more, I’m sure Russia has 7.62 to trade for a F35

  9. It is quite ironic that this news came out the day after Biden’s speech about ironclad support for Israel. Between this and news that US knew of changes in Hamas accepted so called ceasefire and not telling Israel, I am afraid to see what would be not so ironclad support. He will absolutely lose large chunk of Jewish vote of which I am one and will not gain the bump in Michigan he is hoping for

  10. They’ll be fine without our weapons. They are doing what they have to do and what every other country, including the US, would do.

  11. Space_Bungalow on

    Idk guys I think we need Biden to give Hamas a few more stern “don’t” ‘s for when they bomb the aid crossings from Israel

  12. So to prevent civilian casualties the U.S. is going to make Israel use unguided bombs instead of supplying them guided munitions?

  13. TheOtherAngle2 on

    Do you want Trump? Because this is how Trump happens. There are quite a few of us, myself included, who will vote for Trump over this.

  14. Headoutdaplane on

    He is doing it to get the votes of the college kids back…..they actually will forget 

  15. notinferno on

    something about horse has already bolted …

    what reality is Biden living in?

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