Uniformierte Servicemitarbeiter werden „in finanzielle Not getrieben“, während Vertreter eine Kampagne starten, die eine Zusatzrente fordert


Von c-mag95


  1. UnFamiliar-Teaching on

    Lads, we have to give a hundred thousand Ukrainians the dole..We can’t afford to indulge ye now..


    Maybe the supplementary pension could happen, but there’s no chance that public service pension provision will be altered in any substantial way.

  3. Initial-Repair8280 on

    When the guards start doing their jobs they can begin crying for more money.

  4. SpareZealousideal740 on

    Surely the solution here is to get rid of mandatory retirement ages before 65. If people want to retire, work away but if people don’t want to, why should they be forced to. It’s not like every role in those groups is something you need to be younger for (not that age is a great barometer for fitness anyway)

  5. Sub-Mongoloid on

    I’m in the Ambulace Service and I have a supplemental pension of AVC’s. I actually contribute more to that than I do the public sector pension and will up my contributions regularly since I can claim it back on my taxes.

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