Russland sagt, es werde französische Truppen ins Visier nehmen, wenn sie in die Ukraine geschickt würden. (Reuters)


  1. PastFold4102 on

    They just keep trying to say shit that will get a reaction. Obviously they will shoot combatants, this is war lol.

  2. MuddleFunt on

    There’s no way the world can stay peaceful with this malignant tumor running wild in Russia. That kleptocratic slave state of nihilistic petromafia barbarian gangsters needs to be confronted and dismantled, now or later.

    Russia and the abomination of political communism it unleashed on the world is the most vile project in history, killing hundreds of millions. They offer the world nothing but murder, mischief, mayhem and above all – death.

    They know they’ll lose any exchange with the west – badly. And as for the “but they’ll drown us all in nuclear fire” crowd…..well, if they will, they will and it’s no way to live under the barrel of a gun from a lunatic. But – more likley….Russians are at core thieves. And you can’t steal from a smouldering green glowing crater.

    Point being – they want to live. The barbarian princes don’t want to destroy the world – they want to control it so they can lead lives of tasteless luxury while plotting to kill their neighbours and each other. They should be punished – severely – for such actions, which will also send a smart message to China to mind it’s P’s and Q’s and maybe the vast wealth and power it already is is sufficient without having to muder millions of Taiwanese for the simply vanity of a wicked, over promoted gangster.

  3. Imaginary_Pack_622 on

    But the best is: French troops will start to target ruZZian troops if they are sent to Ukraine. 😉

  4. AlbaTross579 on

    And France could take the act as a declaration of war against the EU and NATO, then Russia would really be screwed.

  5. ReimbursedBaquette on

    And Macron should say it’s a red line that won’t be accepted. Illicit action punishable by fire and fury.

  6. computer5784467 on

    and Russians will become targets of french troops, that’s how war works ya dumbass

  7. If im honest this is somewhat **less** of an escalatory response than I would expect…if I was Russia I’d be ringing loud and clear that joining the war means joining the war and strikes on Paris. The fact that they’re effectively saying “we’ll confine our response to Ukrainian territory” is really surprising.

  8. CouldNotAffordOne on

    Huh? No threats about nuking Paris? What’s wrong with Russia today? That sounds like an invitation….

    _Aux armes, citoyens,_
    _Formez vos bataillons,_
    _Marchons, marchons!_

  9. estelita77 on

    They have already claimed to have targeted and killed French troops in Ukraine. Typical russia unable to get its stories straight. All that lying must be very hard to keep track.

  10. Hayes4prez on

    NATO’s article 5 is a defensive pact.

    If France sends troops to Ukraine to fight alongside Ukrainians, it would not be a direct threat to NATO.

  11. They could be positioned at belarussian and transnistrian border as sort of peacekeepers, not actively engaging in combat. They would still have to provide AA capabilities , uhm, to themself, so it would be somewhat phony anyway. Bottom line, putin could decide to test NATO willingness to fight much sooner than expected in form of small scale provocations and clashes, probably somewhere in Baltic states, because why not.

    If, let’s say, Macrone knew about it in advance, he could decide to simply move some forces to Ukraine as deterrence of expected aggression towards NATO elsewhere. It would be done step by step of course, but it might be closer than we imagine…

  12. CourseHistorical2996 on

    So no different than them targeting, hospitals, schools, fire stations, theatres, etc. All valid military targets eh Vlad?

  13. AbleismIsSatan on

    Simply waiting for them to conduct sabotage campaigns in NATO countries so that we can activate the Article 5.

  14. Few_Chip_873 on

    France knows this. And Russia know that French Troops are a Tripwire for Article 5. We can both play this game.

  15. Lovesosanotyou on

    Yes, thats all they’ll do. No nukes. I wish Western politicans got that into their thick skulls that all theyre doing is cucking themselves. Send AA with Western crew to Odessa, like the fucking Soviets had zero issue with in Vietnam, and Russia would be like hurr durr these are now legit military targets.     

     Who gives a fuck? Instead we have the German garden gnome scared of Taurus, the 2 year late ATACMS from senile Joe etc. The reality on the ground the past year shows: its not good enough. Too little too late on pretty much every serious weapon system.  

    Dithering pussies the lot of them, not war time politicans.

  16. TylerBourbon on

    If France sends troops to Ukraine, I’m betting Russia targeting them is something they expect as by that point the war will escalated.

  17. sPLIFFtOOTH on

    Of course they are. Pretty much goes without saying. I’m sure France is already aware

  18. IFixYerKids on

    I mean… Yeah of course they would. What, France is going to send troops to sign to the Russians and bring them candy? How is this even a headline worthy comment?

  19. No shit. French troops will be targeting them if they ever enter Ukraine.

  20. Happy-Example-1022 on

    If Russia target their own asses they would get too drunk and miss.

  21. Hotdigardydog on

    There have been a few of these shit posts. Russia threatens to strike French troops Russia threatens to strike British targets.
    Is very simple get the fuck out of someone else’s country

  22. ohiotechie on

    Pretty sure the French troops will be targeting back if it comes to that but sure ok.

  23. Having missiles do a Leeroy Jenkins into Ukraine is one thing, playing FAFO with NATO is entirely another.

  24. LooseWateryStool on

    Last video I saw they target their own troops out of ineptitude.

  25. Live-Mail-7142 on

    Sure, sure They were gonna win this war in a week, they were going to drop nuclear weapons, they were gonna do this and that. Russian soldiers just got issued socks in 2010. All they have are weapons from North Korea that break in the air, and a bunch of ppl they can throw as cannon fodder

  26. We’re so used to Russia using this rhetoric but it’s honestly crazy if you stop and think. Russia is seriously saying they will target French troops not in Russia — but in Ukraine! As if it’s “their” war and no one shall get involved. That it’s a transgression or escalation if troops are in foreign land!

  27. keepthepace on

    What part of “troops” has been mistranslated in Russian?

    Yes, that’s the point of soldiers, Vlad. You try to kill them they try to kill yours.

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