Tote Russen, Robotino-Regie


  1. Crazydiamond450 on

    When that commander was telling those men they were all going to die, but they would always be remembered by Mother Russia, and people would visit their headstones forever….

  2. SetInternational4589 on

    Imagine the smell – latest Russian meatwaves will be smelling the front lines miles before they arrive.

  3. omahgoogah on

    How come these zeds rot so fast? I would have thought vodka in the blood stream would slow things down.The things are going to stink real bad by June. The pigs and dogs and flies should tidy things up by September.

  4. That_Touch5280 on

    Sweet smell first, if they are under four days dead, then they take on a rare foul bowel stench! Never nice to smell anything like that, trust me

  5. Aircraftman2022 on

    Never ending death and destructions when Ukraine wind the war who ever is left goes home and yell it like it is . Rebel time

  6. Feisty-Box-2829 on

    Anyone else have trouble distinguishing ORCs from their garbage? Is there a difference. Burn all the trash.

  7. Mundane_Catch_1829 on

    Well this is what they wanted but looks like it is back firing against the orcs.

  8. DrEdRichtofen on

    I like the blue walls. Very festive choice if you have to pick somewhere.

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