In einem russischen Seehafen brach ein Großbrand aus, der Brand erfasste eine Fläche von 5.000 Quadratmetern


  1. Do that to every port, every airport, every rail station…crash their exports and ability to transport.

  2. Accurate_Storm2588 on

    Tsk, another careless ruZZian cigarette smoker.
    Good. We need to send cartons of cigarettes to the ruZZians for more of this!

  3. Just some excess swamp gas being burned off.
    Nothing to see here boys.
    Now move along.

  4. US: “Hey Ukraine, we totally don’t want you using our bombs on Russian land. We also totally don’t have intel that there are munitions and other goodies in this building right here. *points to building* Make sure you do *NOT* bomb this particular building. I even put an ‘x’ on the spot so that you definitely *don’t* hit the spot.”

  5. Etherindependance5 on

    More of this please, they are way overdue to lose power. This is a great example of how this can go back to russputins everything but civilians is a potential target. The civilians will turn.

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