Laut einer neuen Studie von Forschern des Anschutz Medical Campus der University of Colorado haben junge Menschen mit Diabetes möglicherweise ein deutlich höheres Risiko, später im Leben an Alzheimer zu erkranken.


  1. Asatyaholic on

    Yes that makes sense diabetics, due to a variety of factors including their reliance on insulin injections are subject to increased permeability of the blood brain barrier.  A fact which leaves them statistically more  vulnerable than the population at large to all manner of environmental assaults on the structure of the nervous system.  

    Heres a fun paper detailing some sciency stuff regarding the matter  : 

    Glial and Vascular Cell Regulation of the Blood-Brain Barrier in Diabetes,in%20blood%20supply%20%5B2%5D.

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