Die USA entziehen Intel und Qualcomm die Exportlizenzen für den Verkauf an Chinas Huawei



  1. BeltfedOne on

    The horse is already out of the barn. The CCP already has the technology in hand.

  2. OGLonelyCoconut on

    Oh no, the tech company in a hostile foreign nation can no longer have free access to American technology! My heart truly bleeds for the dictatorial regime.

  3. murdering_time on

    Good. China seems determined to eventually invade Taiwan and start a war with the Philippines over their claim of the entire south china sea, so idk why we don’t just nip this in the bud now and cut off their ability to make even smarter weapons. Besides, in state run media they already refer to the US as their enemy along with being the cause of all of Chinas problems, there is no “repairing” this relationship. Just like there was no repairing Europe in the mid 1930s. 

  4. Dr-McLuvin on

    Seems like we should be doing more to move chip manufacturing out of Taiwan. Having it all in one place is a disaster waiting to happen.

  5. SedentaryXeno on

    This nonsense over China looks exactly like the red scare or satanic panic. Y’all need to smoke some weed or something.

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