Prozentsatz der US-Bevölkerung mit somalischer Abstammung im Jahr 2020



  1. TheBlazingFire123 on

    Both Minnesota and Ohio were paid to take in Somali refugees in the 90s

  2. oldandmellow on

    Minneapolis is called Little Mogadishu these days. There are way more than 63,000 of them as well.

  3. LupusDeusMagnus on

    Does it border the North American Great Lakes? The blue one, I mean.

  4. FloweringSkull67 on

    Minnesota has a history of taking in refugees. There’s a large Hmong population here also.

  5. I’m surprised it’s that high in Minnesota. I knew they took in a lot, but didn’t realize it was that many

  6. SpiritualOrchid1168 on

    Interesting these are all cold, northern states. Like if I grew up in the Horn of Africa I’d rather move to Texas or Arizona or something. But I imagine there were other factors influencing those decisions.

  7. Pachot_Zibi_Cosemek on

    Hey guys, I’m not racist or anything but… what the fuck is Florida?

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