Die Ukraine erhält etwa 90 % der Einnahmen aus den im Westen eingefrorenen russischen Vermögenswerten. „Die Einigung ist in der Endphase“, sagte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz. Ihm zufolge gehe es um „mehrere Milliarden pro Jahr“.



  1. Whole_Championship41 on

    In the final stage, Herr Schultz? Kind of like the Taurus? While it would be a pleasant surprise, unfortunately Herr Schultz’s previous inaction about key weapons for Ukraine has been marked by delay, obfuscation, blame shifting and denial. I’ll believe (and celebrate) it when I see it.

  2. Open-Passion4998 on

    If 200 billion in frozen russian assets made an average of 5% interest then ukraine could get 10 billion a year from it. Hopefully they take some of the assets that don’t make much interest and liquidate them for ukraine. If done right then this could make a massive difference but Belgium has to be on board with seizing those assets then giving them to ukraine because Belgium holds most of frozen russian assets

  3. Fantastic-Goat-1124 on

    Thats about time. Common sense when dealing with dictators.

  4. Taylor_1878 on

    Sorry for going off topic but olaf looks like Charlie off Jeremy Clarkson farm

  5. Stunning_Ad_1685 on

    What are they trying to achieve by taking 90% instead of 100%?

  6. Good job it only took 2 years…. and is not even in ukranian hands, plus Ukraine has a shortage of shells and air defense, considering that Ukraine is the shield of europe if i were the leaders of Eu and Nato countries i would kill myself from shame by my incompetence that lead to Ukranian deaths


    Honestly, i dont get it.

    Pay for your allies defense. Don’t hold back. Don’t casually spread military discussions to the press. Understand that in terms defense budget, fueling ukr with capability is by a faaaaar margin the best spending you can ever have for the sec of your country.


    But rather than stepping up, you steal ruzzian funds in an attempt to take a moral stance. Fuck you Germany. Don’t steal frozen assets. That’s something the lesser developed countries would do. Instead, pay the fuuuck up. Install 5 leps per fighting capita in the ukr.

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