Laut IDF wurden 30 Hamas-Terroristen bei laufender Rafah-Operation getötet – I24NEWS


  1. figuring_ItOut12 on

    Hamas Ministry of Health: 100 people killed, who we don’t know because we just throw numbers out there and don’t differentiate between terrorists and innocents so we promise all were women and children. /s

    > Presently, IDF troops are actively engaged in search and raid missions within the area, targeting locations identified as potential threats.
    > The military operation comes in response to ongoing rocket launches from Hamas terrorists in Rafah towards southern Israel, posing a direct threat to civilian populations.

  2. ChuuniNurgle on

    30 is a pretty low number so far. Looks like it’s going to take a while to sort this out.

  3. Bast-beast on

    Good job. Less to go. Israel is now controlling Rafah, main hamas financial and arms source. Hamas now will slowly drain out of money and ammunition

  4. 30 terrorists and only 300 women and children died in the crossfire. A rousing success!

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