Richterin Cannon verschiebt den Fall Trump unter Berufung auf einen Rückstand an Anträgen, über die sie nicht entschieden hat


  1. >Citing the evidentiary issues under CIPA which she herself has failed to rule on as a reason this case can’t go forward is pretty ballsy.

    >In her most recent order, officially removing the May 20 trial date from the calendar, Judge Cannon also cited the “currently pending motions, which now consist of eight substantive pretrial motions,” “extensive defense motions to compel discovery on a host of issues spanning hundreds of pages of classified and unclassified briefing,” as well as Trump’s motion demanding to treat the entire executive branch, including the White House Counsel’s Office, as part of the prosecution team for discovery purposes.

    >In other words, she’s let Trump and his henchmen spam the docket with garbage motions, been totally dilatory in ruling on them, and is now allowing the defendants to reap the reward from their bad faith behavior by postponing the trial. She’s even set a hearing for June 21 on the Motion to Dismiss Indictment Based on Unlawful Appointment and Funding of Special Counsel, a throwaway argument being bruited about by Ed Meese and Stephen Calabresi in the various Trump cases, but curiously absent when it comes to David Weiss and John Durham, i.e. the special counsels they like.

  2. It has to be time to get her removed. [The trial can’t move forward because I refuse to do my job] can’t be acceptable; the people have a constitutional right to speedy trial and she’s denying it to us with zero justification.

  3. OppositeDifference on

    >Sorry guys! The dog ate my homework and I’ve been really busy with soccer practice… I’ve also been super busy going on paid retreats that I don’t disclose. I guess there’s no option but to delay the most important court case in our lifetimes until it’s no longer relevant. Oopsie!

    Judge Cannon

  4. atomsmasher66 on

    ‘I have to postpone the case bc I’m astonishingly inept’ – hack judge

  5. CheckinMyPeckin on

    This judge is clearly is compromised and if her plan is to not do her job, she’s a traitor to the US Constitution as a negligent judge who won’t do her job. She is allowing a criminal to escape judicial review through her made up procedural hurdles that she manufactured and then let pile up.

    Does she want an uprising of the poor and middle class to burn down her ivory tower that allows the rich and corrupt to sidestep the law and accountability?

    This is how you get a revolution.

  6. karenskygreen on

    What do you expect, she was appointed by Trump just for occasions like this.
    She personally will make sure this case is delayed until after the election,.Trump will get.this case.killed or just pardon himself and she will get a promotion.

  7. If Congress is so dead set on finding someone to impeach and remove during Joe Biden’s term in office, I think Judge Cannon is an ideal candidate. Between refusing to recuse herself from the appearance of a conflict of interest (hearing a case where the President who appointed her is a party to the case, and the criminal defendant at that) and now also outright refusing to carry this case forward by creating her own problems which she alone is responsible for resolving, impeaching and removing her should be an open-and-shut case in Congress.

  8. Kindly-Counter-6783 on

    Can we say corrupt and grossly incompetent? I hear her husband is a Florida mob boss of a sort. No wonder tRump appointed her. Destined for SC majesty considering she does not disclose gifts.

  9. Time for congress to use the thin majority and investigate this judge. She is clearly inept or corrupt,… both.

  10. When is the judiciary monitors going to step in and remove this person from this case?

  11. disorderliesonthe401 on

    I couldn’t help but notice that when she did rule against Trump at times, not once did he criticize her on his fake Twitter account. Not a single childish nickname was given. No cries of corruption or election interference. Maybe I’m wrong, but he’s been pretty silent regarding Judge Cannon, as opposed to the other judges he’s involved with.

  12. middriftmale on

    Everytime I see that smug little corrupt smile in a thumbnail, I know it’s because she did something else to damage the judiciary branch.

  13. Maybe she’s just not fit for the job. Perhaps an annual review is in order

  14. AnxietyJunky on

    The fucking balls it takes to be so treasonous in plain view.

    My god.

  15. PhilDGlass on

    Hey boss, you know that really important project that could make or break this company? Well, I have decided to postpone it indefinitely because of a bunch of other shit I have to do. Thanks.

  16. Remote-Moon on

    The trial is postponed because she failed to do her job?

    What in the fuck.

  17. Kellisandra on

    Wouldn’t it be great though if she postponed, he loses, and then we get to watch the whole thing play out? This only goes away IF he wins. The possibility of him not winning is real and that means that he’s in deep shit no matter what.

  18. we_are_sex_bobomb on

    This reeks of corruption, but setting that aside, the most charitable possible interpretation of these events is that Cannon is inexperienced, unqualified, in way over her head and badly fumbling this high profile, complicated case. On those grounds alone she should be replaced.

  19. How is it possible that she can intentionally fail at her job and then use that as an excuse to postpone the trial?

  20. Like all the other MAGA women, she has cold, dead eyes. Her picture gives me the chills.

  21. flux_of_grey_kittens on

    So at what point is Jack Smith going to move to have her taken off the case? I understand that he’s letting things pile up so that it’s not something she can get away with, but c’mon, it’s pretty clear she’s going out of her way to drag this on at sub snail pace.

  22. Particular-Summer424 on

    Well…pitter, patter…get the fuck at her.

    Cannon has law clerks that do a major portion of her clerical and administrative loads. What’s the issue? Is she postponing all or a portion of her case load equally? Are the Motions solely for Trumps cases or across the board. Cannon is way over her head as the Judge assigned to this case.

  23. HauntedLightBulb on

    Remove her from the bench. Disbar her. Charge her. She is a voluntary threat to our democracy.

  24. This woman, whether it’s just pure ineptitude or she’s acting corruptly (self interested in a promotion with a Trump election win), has completely lost the view of impartiality and public confidence. Should be removed at this point. Disgraceful.

  25. IIIBl1nDIII on

    So how does Jack Smith get her off the case and have this brought to a real judge?

  26. Her career will stall and be over in a few years time when her level of incompetence and favouritism is exposed

  27. >I can’t do my job because I haven’t done my job

    What a fucking hack she is

  28. Can someone please explain how she hasn’t been removed. And why the FBI or Justice Dept. Isn’t looking into her for clearly being corrupted by Trumps money or offer of a future supreme court appointment.

  29. ZestySaltShaker on

    Aileen Cannon – “Quiet quitting 101” A case study in doing nothing, then needing to postpone your doing nothing because you’ve done nothing.

  30. Sydney_Bristow_ on

    Like how is this better? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is going on with the *entire* judiciary system in this country? I once had the utmost faith in those people but now it’s like, huh? *WHAT* are you even doing?!

    Based on no actual research and only my opinion, I’d say there are 60% of legit judges and justices going “wtf is going on? What happened to our unbiased integrity?”

    Another 25% or so of judges had a mini-epiphany! “Oh shit, I didn’t realize I could rule based on my political beliefs and disregard law and precedent. Cool.”

    Then there’s the 14.5% of judges who don’t give a shit if their integrity is compromised, go MAGA!

    And then there’s judge Cannon. Could she *BE* more obvious that she’s kissing Trump’s ass? She should be investigated for preferential treatment and/or bias since Trump appointed her. Maybe even a recusal? Jesus H.

    I hate what we’ve become.

  31. pinkfartlek on

    “she was clearly compromised”

    “She’s clearly corrupt”

    *HE APPOINTED HER*. you’re just saying obvious things!

  32. Not one person should be surprised by this. Judge Cannon was always going to do this. She’s been on his team blatantly since day 1. This case will not stop him; you’ve got to vote and make sure everyone else does.

  33. hamsterfolly on

    This was intentional and the May 20th trial date was only set to impose precedence so as to also delay Trump’s other trials.

  34. Brandon_Me on

    It’s wild to see Conservatives act like this judge is completely impartial, and the one true form of justice on the courts it’s absolutely nonsensical.

  35. Thefoolonthehill25 on

    Judge Cannon suggested Viewing:
    Dr. Strangelove
    Fail Safe
    13 Days
    Bridge of Spies
    The Day After
    Crimson Tide
    The Hunt for Red October

  36. In my line of work, if I were handling the case of someone who got me my job, I’d be unassigned from that case.

    If I had a crapton of backlogged cases because I failed to file them and that’s affecting my work, I’d be fired.

    ‘I can’t rule on a case because I’m hilariously inept and unequipped for my job’ isn’t that strong of an excuse when said aloud. It’s like saying ‘oh, that senator’s only wrong because he’s PRETENDING to be stupid.

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